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e.l.f. Maximum Coverage Concealer


Hei :D

Pentru ca nu eram total multumită de corectoarele pe care le aveam, am decis că este timpul să încerc unul nou. Am aflat despre acest corector de la Anda, ea l-a folosit într-unul dintre videoclipurile ei şi pentru că mi-a placut cum arăta atunci când l-a aplicat, am vrut să-l incerc :) Am profitat de oferta pe care o aveau cei de la e.l.f. şi mi-am achiziţionat unul.

Because I wasn't pleased with the concealers I had, I wanted to try something else. I saw Anda using this one in one of her videos, I liked the way it looked and I wanted to try it out. There was a sale going on at that moment so I said to myself that is the moment to get it :)  

Denumire Name: e.l.f. Maximum Coverage Concealer Oil Free;
De unde il pot achizitiona? / Where cand i buy it from?: Online: / / or in store if you are from the USA;
Ce pret are? / Price?: 22 lei / 3$ / 3.75 pounds;
Ingrediente / Ingredients: 
Water, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Talc, Cyclomethicone, Isononyl Isononancate, Cetyl PEGPPG-10/1 Dimethicone, Glycerin, Zinc Oxide, Methyl Methacrylate, Crosspolymer, Sorbitan Sesquioleate, Cetyl Dimethicone, Magnesium Stearate, Magnesium Sulfate, Diazolidinyl Urea, Methylparaben, Propylparaben. May Contain: Titanium Dioxide (CI 77891), Iron Oxide (CI 77491, CI 77492, CI 77499)
Cantitate: 20 ml;
Alte observatiiOther observations:
  • cantitate foarte mare de produs pentru un preţ destul de mic / you are getting 20 ml of product for a small amount of money;
O sa incep să vorbesc prima dată despre amabalaj (aşa cum încep de aproape fiecare dată). Produsul este ambalat într-un recipient facut dintr-un plastic moale pe care se poate apăsa cu uşurinţa, la capăt este prevăzut cu un orificiu destul de mic prin care iese produsul, nu am avut niciun fel de probleme până acum cu el, de fiecare dată am scos exact cantitatea dorita.

First I want to talk about the packaging. The product comes in a squeeze tube made out of a soft plastic the product comes out through a pretty small orifice at the end of the tube, I have never had problems when I wanted to use it, I always get out the right amonut of product.

Am ales nuanţa Porcelain, nuanţa cea mai deschisă dintre toate cele disponibile. Porcelain are un subton piersiciu, pe tenul meu se adaptează foarte bine aplicat dacă este aplicat peste un fond de ten/bb cream, dacă îl aplic direct pe piele se vede o mică diferenta. Are o consistenţa cremoasa, dar îţi poţi da seama de cum îl aplici că nu vei obţine o acoperire maximă. Acoperirea este undeva spre medie, nu va face faţa unor cearcane foarte accentuate şi nici nu va acoperi tatuaje, unele semne din naştere, etc. Are un finish destul de dewy, eu adaug de fiecare data pudra pentu ca altfel se strange, cu pudra aplicată nu mai am problema acesta. Îmi place să-l folosesc doar pentru cearcane, pentru semne/roşeaţa/coşuri folosesc un alt corector.

I chose the shade Porcelain, it's the lightest shade from all of the shades available. Porcelain has a peachy undertone, it adapts really well on my skin if I use a foundation/bb cream, but if I use it without any other product it does not suit me very well. It has a creamy consistency, but as soon as you apply it you will know that this isn't a maximum coverage concealer. I'd say it has an almost medium coverage, it won't help you if you have really bad dark circles, it won't cover up tattoos or some birth marks, etc. It has a dewy finish so I have to set it with a powder because it does like to set into fine lines. I like to use it only for my dark circles, for pimples/red spots I to use another concealer.

Dacă în urma cu un an puteam să afirm că nu am cearcăne, acum nu mai pot spune acelaşi lucru, într-adevar, nu sunt foarte vizibile, dar sunt acolo :) / If in 2012 I said that I don't have dark circles, 2013 I can't say that anymore, indeed, they are not that visible, but they are there :)

(aplicat cu degetul / applied with the finger)

(aplicat cu pensula / applied with a concealer brush)

L-am folosit aproape în fiecare zi de când l-am achiziţionat, îmi place şi-am să-l folosesc până când îl voi termina, dar nu îl voi reachiziţiona, asta pentru ca mai sunt alte corectoare acolo în lume pe care vreau sa le incerc :D / I used it almost every single day since I got it, I like it and I will continue using it until I finish it, but I won't repurchase it because there are a lot more concealers out there thatI want to try :D

L-aţi încercat? Care este corectoul vostru preferat? :D / Have you tried it? What's your favourite concealer? :D

Va doresc o zi minunată, v-am pupat :***

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

OOTN: Going out for Boba!


Helloooooo! :D

Mi-am luat inima in dinti si-am hotarat ca de acum incolo pe langa postarile legate de beauty veti gasi din cand in cand si postari cu diferite tinute (multumesc Dorinei si Cristinei pentru incurajari :*). Am avut emotii (si asta se vede foarte bine in poze, mai ales la felul in care pozez, pe masura ce o sa ma obisnuiesc, totul o sa iasa mult mai bine) si am emotii chiar si acum cand scriu textul acesta :D Cred ca este o tinuta perfecta pentru o seara calduroasa de vara in care vreti sa iesiti la o plimbare prin oras (Boba Time :X).

There, I have done it :)) I was talking about doing some OOTD/OOTN for a very long time now and I finally decided to do them, so from now on every week (I hope) you will see one on my blog (thank you for the encouragements Dorina and Cristina :*). I was nervous (you can see that in the pictures, i promise I'll get better at posing) and I'm still nervous right now as I'm writing this blog post :D I think this is a perfect outfit for a hot summer evening when you feel like going out for a walk into town (Boba Time :X)

Rochie: Roxy Life Quicksilver - SH (Thrifted);
Sandale: Janet D. - Deichmann;
Geanta: no name - Titan;
Bratari: dintr-un mic butic /a small butique;
Inel: Unirea;
Ceas: Q&Q;
Cercei: Crystal-Fashion;

Rochia este extrem de comoda (mai putin partea din spate unde se leaga, e foarte incomod de stat pe spate, trebuie sa ii fac mica modificare :D), materialul e tare placut si modelul este exact pe gustul meu :) De sandale sunt absolut indragostita, parca merg pe norisori, atat de placut este sa le porti, culoarea a fost prima care m-a atras spre ele :) / The dress is super comfy (the back part where the bow is it's a little bit uncomfortable, especially when you have to sit on it, I will have to work on it), great material and I love the design of the dress :) I'm absolutely in love with the sandals, when I wear them I feel like i'm walking on clouds, they are my favourite sandals ♥ The color was the first thing that attracted me to them when I saw them :)

Sper ca v-a placut intreagul meu outfit, o sa incerc sa postez in fiecare saptamana cate un outfit (asta daca gasesc ceva care sa merite o postare intreaga), restul tinutelor le veti vedea in "My Week in Photos" :D / I really hope you liked my outift, I will try to post one every week (if I find something to wear that deserves a whole blog post), you will see the rest of my outfits in my "My Week in Photos" :D

Si nu in ultimul rand vreau sa ii multumesc prietenului meu pentru rabdarea pe care a avut-o in seara respectiva si pentru pozele frumoase pe care mi le-a facut :D / Last, but not least I want to thank my amazing boyfriend for his patience and for the beautiful pictures that he took :D

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

My Week in Photos (17.06 - 23.06)


Hello :D 

Daca saptamana trecuta ma plangeam ca am avut parte de o saptamana super plictisitoare, saptamana acesta a fost una dintre cele mai bune saptamani de pana acum, plina de aventuri (nu am mai apucat sa scriu nicio postare de miercuri) si foarte, foarte distractiva :D

If in my previous My Week in Photos I was complaining that my week was boring, well the week that just passed was AWESOME filled with adventures (I didn't even have time to blog) and FUN :D


Luni am primit bunatati de la prietenul meu care s-a intors dintr-o alta calatorie (sucul meu de mere preferat si o cutie mare de Raffaelo :X). Pentru pranz am pregatit "Un fel de lasagna cu paste", apoi seara am fost in oras sa bem Boba :X / My boyfriend brought me a lot of goodies (my favourite apple juice and a big box of Raffaelo :X) For lunch I made "Un fel de lasagna cu paste" and then we went out to get Boba :X


Marti am avut o gramada de treaba prin oras, pentru ca tot am intrat intr-una dintre cele mai grozave cofetarii de pe la Unirii, mi-am cumparat o mini tarta cu zmeura si nu exagerez cand spun ca n-am mai mancat de mult o tarta atat de buna, mi-a parut rau ca nu am luat una mare :( Inainte sa plec in oras am apucat sa fac cateva sarmale, mi-a fost foarte pofta si-au iesit extrem de gustoase :) / Tuesday was a busy, busy day. On my way to where I had to go, I got a mini raspberry tart and it was one of the best raspberry tart I've ever had :X 


Am vizitat Pitestiul de doua ori haha *aveam treaba, nu am avut timp de plimbare* cand ma mai plictisesc in masina, ma apuc sa-mi fac poze :))) Am suprins apusul soarelui in oglinda, era atat de frumos :X / I visited Pitesti twice on Wednesday haha :) When I get bored in the car I take funny pictures of myself :) And a beautiful, beautiful sunset ♥


Toata casa a mirosit a dulceata de afine (singura dulceata pe care o manac :X) si-am decis ca in week-end neaparat fac clatite, asta ca sa testez dulceata haha :D Mi-am "vopsit unghiile" galbene, o culoare tare vesela, perfecta pentru vara :) Si-am descoperit o reteta de milkshake tare delicios si satios: lapte, banane, unt de arahide si miere :D / The whole house smelled like cranberries jam (the only jam that I like :X) and I decided that I have to make pancakes soon to try it and see if it's good :) Then I painted my nails yellow, a fun color perfect for summer :) New milkshake recipe: milk, bananas, peanut butter and honey = DELICIOUS :X


Am inceput dimineata cu desene :D (Monsters, Inc.) Fructele zilei au fost afinele :) Pentru ca am mancat prea multe fructe cu greu am putut sa mai manac la pranz. Spre seara am plecat spre Focsani (tinuta mea pentru drum) / Monsters, Inc. on TV :) Fruit of the day: cranberries. Because I ate a lot of cranberries I couldn't eat my lunch  :)) The we had to leave for Focsani (my outfit for the road).


Sambata ne-a prins in drum spre Bucuresti :) Am oprit pe drum sa-mi iau un Burek cu branza. Luna era foarte stralucitoare, asa ca i-am facut si ei o poza :) Dupa vreo 5 ore de somn m-am apucat sa fac clatite americane (pentru ca de-abia asteptam sa manac din dulceata de afine :D) La pranz am mancat cartofi la cuptor (din Lidl), iar seara am iesit in oras sa bem Boba :X / On Saturday we were on our way home, I got a Bureck with cheese (my favourite) :) The moon was so pretty I just had to take a picture of it :D After 5 hours of sleep I made pancakes for breakfast (really wanted to taste the creanberrie jam :X). For lunch we had some baked potatoes and then we went to get Boba :D


Duminica am fost numai pe drumuri, acum mi-am dat seama ca nici nu am apucat sa fac poze :)) Am ajuns seara tarziu acasa si-am incheiat ziua cu floricele si Marele Gatsby / Sunday we were on the road again, I now just realised that I didn't even get to take that many pictures :)) We got home late and we ended the night with popcorn and The Great Gatsby.

Si nu in ultimul rand vreau sa va anunt ca Romwe are o noua promotie pe site:
Flash Sale! Up to 70% off on summer items!
Valid from 25/06/2013 – 27/06/2013
Check it:

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Products I am Currently Testing


Hey :D

Pentru ca in momentul de fata testez foarte multe produse si pentru ca imi plac foarte mult postarile Dianei ""Noutati in teste", m-am gandit ca e numai buna o postare de genul acesta in momentul de fata, in felul acesta puteti alege voi despre ce vreti sa cititi mai intai. Nu toate produsele sunt noi, pe unele le am de ceva vreme, dar din nu stiu ce motive nu am apucat sa scriu pana acum despre ele :)

Because I am testing a lot of products right now and because I like Diana's "New Products I'm Testing" I thought I'd show you what products I am testing right now, this way you can choose what do you want me to review next. Not all the products are new, I've had some for a while now, but for some reason I didn't get a chance to talk about them :) 

  • La Roche Posay Toleriane Teint Hydrating Water-Cream Foundation;
  • MUA MATTE Perfect Loose Powder;
  • e.l.f Maximum Coverage Concealer;
  • MUA Matte Perfect Primer;
  • Oriflame Perfecting Face Primer;
  • Too Faced Lip Insurance (Lip Primer).
  • Garnier BB Cream (Combination to Oily skin);
  • Enca AC Control BB Cream.
  • e.l.f. Eyelid Primer;
  • Too Faced Shadow Insurance;
  • Too Faced Shadow Insurance Candlelight.
Ingrijirea tenului / Skin Care

  • La Roche Posay  Effaclar Duo;
  • La Roche Posay Effaclar Gel Moussant Purifiant;
  • O.S.T Original Pure Vitamin C20 Serum (am inceput sa-l testez de cateva zile, voi putea sa vorbesc despre dupa ce-l testez cel putin o luna) / I've been using it for about 5-6 days, I have to use at least one month before I can talk about it.
Despre care produs v-ar placea sa cititi prima data? :D / Which product should i review next? :D

Va doresc zi minunata si racoroasa, v-am pupat :***

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

My Week in Photos (10.06 - 16.06)


Hello :D

Saptamana ce-a trecut a fost chinuitor de plictisitoare, total lipsita de evenimente :)) Vremea nu a ajutat nici ea foarte mult, pentru ca schimbarile bruste de temperatura si faptul ca toata ziua era innorat nu m-au facut sa ma simt foarte bine si sa fiu eu :) (atentie! o postare cu multa mancare :D)

Last week was excruciatingly boring, I had absolutely nothing interesting to do :)) The weather didn't help either, sun in the morning, storm for the rest of the day (I love storms, but not every day), I can't function well in these conditions :) (beware! lots of food in the pictures :D)


De ziua mea am primit din partea prietenului meu blenderul mult dorit si-am inceput sa-mi fac tot felul de sucuri (in poza: salata, castravete, necatarine, lamaie, mere si putina apa).  Am decis ca 5 zile pe saptamana la micul dejun sa beau doar un suc. Apoi am fugit catre Lidl ca sa prind bunatatile de la Saptamana Asiatica :D / My awesome boyfriend surprised me on my birthday with the blender I wanted and i immediately starting making green juices (for the juice in the picture I used: salad, cucumber, nectarines, lemon, apples and a little bit of water). I decided that 5 days/week I will have only juice for breakfast. Asian Week just started at Lidl so I ran as fast as i can to grab some goodies :)


De dimineata mi-a facut mama saleuri si n-am putut sa refuz (am manacat mai multe decat apar in poza :D), apoi la pranz am manacat orez si putin gratar cu unul dintre sosurile pe care le-am cumparat luni din Lidl :) / My mom made some pasties and I just couldn't say no to them (I ate more than you see in the picture :D) and for lunch I had: rice with pork and some sauce that i bought from the Asian Week on Monday :)


Miercuri am baut acelasi suc ca si in zilele de luni si marti, apoi am plecat la cumparaturi, bineinetels ca am luat si jumatate de pepene :D Biscuitii de la Belvita din poza sunt cei mai buni biscuiti pe care i-am manacat, ii recomand daca nu i-ati incercat pana acum :) Apoi mi-am adua aminte ca incepe noul sezon din PLL asa ca m-am uitat la serial si a fost super :D / On Wednesday I had the same juice as I had on Monday and Tuesday and then I went to buy some groceries and of course I had to buy watermelon :D Those Belvita biscuits are the yummiest biscuits I have ever eaten, you have to try them  :) I remembered that a new PLL season is starting so I watched the first episode and it was AWESOME :D


Joi dupa-amizaza m-am bucurat de pepene si m-am uitat la filme :)  / I enjoyed some cold watermelon and watched movie :)


Vineri am incercat alt suc (castravete, ananas din compot, mere, lamaie, compot de ananas si apa), a fost absolut delicios, apoi am plecata spre posta vamala de una am ridicat doua colete pe care le asteptam cu mult entuziasm si daca tot am iesit din casa am trecut si prin piata de unde am luat zmeura :) Apoi am mancat un pranz extraordinar de bun: orez, carne de porc si fasole verde in sos de soia ♥ / Friday I tried another juice, this time I used: cucumber, apples, pineapple, lemon, pineapple juice and a little bit of water, it was delicious, then i went to pick up two packages that I've been wainting for a long time and since I was already out of the house I went to the farmers market to get some raspberry. Yummiest lunch ever: rice, pork and green beans in soy sauce ♥


Sambata am vegetat, n-am avut chef nici macar sa ma misc :)) / Saturday was such a lazy day, I didn't even wanted to move :))


Duminica am baut acelasi suc ca si in ziua de vineri si la cina am avut un delicios sandwich cu cascaval, pui si maioneza (maioneza a fost punctul forte :D) / I drank the same juice as on Friday and for dinner I had a delicious sandwich with: chicken, cheese and mayonnaise (lots of mayonnaise :D)

Cum a fosta saptamana voastra? :D / How was your week? :D

Siiiii o noua promotie pe Romwe:

$19.99 Flash Sale on 200 Crazy Leggings
Valid dates: 06/18 – 06/20/2013

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Ben Nye Buff Luxury Powder


Hey :D

   Am vorbit putin despre acest produs si l-ati vazut de cateva ori la sfarsit de luna printre produsele favorite. La inceput am avut o relatie dragoste-ura, dar pana la urma a ajuns sa fie unul dintre cele mai indragite produse cosmetice, o investitie foarte buna.

This is a product that you've seen in my Favourites and I did talk a little bit about it. At first I had a love-hate relationship, but now I love it, it was a very good investment :)

Ben Nye a fost un celebru make-up artist care a lucrat in industria filmelor la Hollywood (Gone with the wind, Gentlemen prefer blondes, etc.), s-a retras in 1967 si a creat compania Ben Nye Makeup Company. Ben Nye Banana Powder este renumita astazi si foarte cautata (se pot cumpara doar cateva bucati asta pentru ca cererea este foarte mare), mai ales de cand make-up artist-ul lui Kim Kardashiam a dezvaluit ca o foloseste pentru machiajul lui Kim. Pudrele sunt facute sa reziste foarte mult pe ten, deoarece cosmeticele Ben Nye au fost concepute pentru actori care de multe ori sunt nevoiti sa stea foarte mult timp in lumina reflectoarelor, machiajul trebuie sa fie foarte rezistent. / Ben Nye was a very famous make-up artist, he worked in the film industry at Hollywood (Gone with the wind, Gentlemen prefer blondes, etc.), he retired in 1967 and started Ben Nye Makeup Company. Ben Nye Banana Powder is a very famous powder there is a very high demand of this product (that's why you can only buy a few online, not as many as you want), especially since Kim Kardashian's make-up artist revealed that he is using the powder on Kim. Ben Nye cosmetic products are theatrical/stage make-up, but they can be used by anyone.

Denumire Name: Ben Nye Buff Luxury Powder;
De unde il pot achizitiona? / Where can i buy it from?
Cat pret are? / Price?: ebay: 8-10$; camerareadycosmetics: 11$;
Ingrediente / Ingredients: le puteti vedea in poza / you can see them in the picture above;
Cantitate: 42 gr;
Alte observatii / Other observations:
  • gaurile capacului sunt prea mari, mare atentie cand o deschideti, eu acoprit marea majoritate a gaurilor cu o bucata de scotch / the holes of the swifter are pretty large, I suggest putting a scotch tape on and leaving just a hole or two so you don't loose product.

Prima data am auzit despre aceasta pudra pe Youtube, foarte multa lumea o folosea si toata lumea avea de spus numai lucruri bune despre ea. Pentru ca pudra pe ca o foloseam mi se terminase, m-am gandit sa o incerc pe cea de la Ben Nye. Initial am vrut Banana, dar pentru ca nu m-am miscat sufiecient de repede, seller-ul de pe Ebay a vandut toate pudrele Banana intr-o seara :( N-am mai vrut sa astept asa ca am ales-o pe cea despre care o sa va vorbesc astazi -Buff- I heard about this powder on Youtube, everybody was using it and they were saying only good things about it. Since my powder at that time was dying I thought I would give Ben Nye powder a chance. Inittialy I wanted Banana, but I didn't act fast enogh and the ebay seller sold them all in one night :( I didn't want to wait so i ordered Buff.

Este una dintre cele mai fine pudre pe care le-am incercat pana acum, se aseaza absolut minunat pe ten si oricat produs as adauga sub nicio forma nu-mi incarca tenul. Are un finis satinat, nu lasa impresia de ten uscat, arata foarte natural pe ten. / It is one of the most fine milled powder i have ever tried, it looks awesome on the skin and it does not make my face look cakey at all. It has a satiny finish, it does't look like you have dry and cakey skin/

Va spuneam ca la inceput nu m-am inteles foarte bine cu ea, asta pentru ca mi-a luat ceva pana am gasit ceva cu care sa-mi placa sa o aplic :) Imi place sa folosesc pensula pentru pudra din gama Studio de la E.l.f. si sa o aplic cu miscari de tapotare, pentru a nu o misca de colo-n colo si a pierde din ea la aplicare. / I was telling you that we didn't get along so great in the beginning, that's because I wasn't applying it with the right tool :) I love to apply it with my E.l.f. powder brush (Studio line), buffing it in, not swiping the brush across my face.

Seara inainte de demachiere tenul nu mai este la fel de mat ca la aplicare (vorbesc de 8-9 ore petrecute in caldura si alergat peste tot), dar nu este nici lucios, are un aspect foarte natural, asa cum mi-ar placea sa arate in fiecare zi fara sa fiu nevoita sa folosesc pudra :) Tocmai de aceea cred ca depinde foarte mult cat de mult produs este aplicat, mie imi place cum arata, n-am simtit nevoia sa aplic mai mult. / At night before I remove my make-up (wearing it for about 8-9 hours, hot weather and I'm running everywhere), the skin is not as matte as it was when I first applied the powder, but it has an awesome dewy finish (not oily at all), I would love my skin to look like that without powder :) That's why I am saying that it depends on how much powder you apply, I love the dewy finish i get at the end of the night, I don't feel the need to apply more.

(fara pudra - cu pudra Ben Nye) / (without powder - with Ben Nye Powder)

Ma declar foarte multumita de ea, insa n-am renuntat la ideea de a o cumpara si pe Banana, am citit ca Banana este putin diferita fata de celalate, asa ca sunt foarte curioasa sa o incerc :D / I'm very pleased with it, but I didn't give up the idea of getting the Banana one, I'm really curious to try that one, I heard that it is a little bit different from the other powders :D

Care este pudra voastra preferata? /  What's you favourite face powder?

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

My Week in Photos (03.06 - 09.06)


Hello :D

Iata ca a trecut si saptamana pe care o asteptam cu cel mai mare entuziasm, a fost o saptamana foarte frumoasa, linistita, exact asa cum imi doream :)

The most awaited week of this year has passed, it was a beautiful, amazing and relaxing week, just how I wanted it to be :)


Cine mai era pasionat de Mortal Komat sa ridice manuta sus :D Luni a plouat toata ziua daca imi aduc bine aminte, erau picaturi imense :) La cina am mancat peste la cuptor (nu-mi aduc aminte ce peste era) cu un sos facut de mine si paine prajita cu usturoi (praf de usturoi) si cascaval :) / Raise your hand if you liked and played Mortal Kombat :D Monday was a very rainy day, the rain drops were super big :) For dinner I had baked fish (I don't remember what type of fish it was) with a sauce I made and garlic and cheese toasted bread :)


Marti a fost cea mai aglomerata zi din saptamana, am avut multa treaba prin oras, dar n-am putut sa nu savurez inghetata mea preferata de la Mc :D Tuesday was the busiest day of the week, iI had a lot of things to take care of, but I just couldn't say no to an MC ice cream :D


Mi-am dedicat ziua in mare blogului, am scris un review pentru un produs care mi-a placut foarte mult (Nature Republic BB Balm) apoi am mancat pranzul care avea in jur de 5000 de calorii (glumesc, toate erau facute la cuptor, dar tot au fost multe calorii), iar la cina am mancat o supa super buna de pui :) /
Blogging Day! I wrote a review for a pretty awesome product (Nature Republic BB Balm) and then ate my lunch wich had around 5000 calories haha (kidding :) they were baked, but still there were a lot of calories on my plate) and for dinner I had a home-made chicken soup :)


Joi a fost o zi super distractiva ♥  La pranz am mancat o salata (vedeti ca pot sa manac si sanatos? haha :D rosii, castraveti, salata si branza, putin ulei de masline si zeama de lamaie), apoi am ajuns in Lidl de unde am luat cea mai buna inghetata pe care am mancat-o pana acum (o super recomand), am primit si spray-ul de la Avon cu miros de pepene pe care mi-l doream (miroase super bine, dar tine cam putin mirosul) si spre seara am plecat inspre Hateg unde aveam ceva treaba de rezolvat / Thursday was a fun fun day ♥ For lunch I had a salad (see I can eat healthy food haha :D tomatoes, cucumber, salad, cheese, a little bit of olive oil and lemon juice), then I went to Lidl and got the most amazing ice-cream in the world and I also got my new Avon spray perfume, it smells just like watermelon, too bad the smell doesn't last as long as i thought it would last. Then road trip time, we had to get to Hateg to take care of some stuff :D


Ne-am trezit destul de dimineata pentru ca trebuia sa ajunge repede acasa :) Am apucat sa vad doar cateva peisaje frumoase din Hateg :X Cel mai bun croissant cu unt din lume, de fiecare data cand trec prin Ramnicu Valcea imi iau unul (benzinaria Boromir) :)) Siiii niste nori frumosi si pufosi pe care i-am vazut cand eram pe autostrada :D / Woke up early because we had to get home :) Beautiful scenery from Hateg :X The best butter croissant ever, I always get one when I'm in Ramnicu Valcea :)) And some beautiful and fluffy clouds I saw when we were on the freeway :)


Sambata de ziua mea nu am apucat sa fac atat de multe poze, am sarbatorit in familie - partea I - :) La micul dejun am avut clatite america cu dulceata de afine (singura dulceata pe care o manac) si apoi spre seara am mancat foarte multa inghetata :D A fost o zi tare frumoasa (a plouat ce e drept, dar a fost frumos) / I didn't get to take that many pictures for my birthday, I celebrated with my family -part I - For breakfast I had pancakes with blueberry jam (the only jam I like) and they I ate a lot of ice cream :D


Duminica am petrecut tot in familie - partea a II-a - (sunt nascuta in aceeasi zi cu soacra mea, deci se lasa cu petrecere mare :D) Asta micu' m-a topit, a fost atractia zilei, tare iubit de catre toata lumea, mai ales de nepotele :D Spre seara am fost in Centrul Vechi sa bem Boba, dar era inchis asa ca pentru ca imi era foame am mers la Mc haha :D / On Sunday we celebrated again (my mother-in-law and I share the same birthday date :D) The little cute doggie was very loved, especially by my two nieces :)) Then we went to get Boba, but the place was closed so we ended up at Mc Donalds because I was hungry :D
Romwe vrea cu siguranta sa ma tenteze acum :D
American National Day Sale at Romwe!
Time: 06/11/2013 – 06/15/2013

Cum a fost saptamana voastra? Sper ca a fost minunata :)

How was your week? I hope it was awesome :)

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Happy, Happy Birthday Giveaway [Ro Only]


Hello :D

A trecut ceva vreme de cand am organizat ultimul giveaway si m-am gandit ca nu exista un moment mai potrivit ca acesta :D Pentru ca in general de ziua ta primesti, astazi de ziua mea eu vreau sa si ofer :) Ce ofer? Doua premii :D Ma gandesc de foarte mult timp la ele, am vrut sa fie ceva ce-mi place si folosesc foarte des, ceva ce multe dintre voi ati vrea sa incercati, dar diverse motive nu ati apucat inca :) 

Daca m-ati intreba ce-mi doresc de ziua mea, v-as raspunde asa cum am raspuns si anul trecut: multa sanatate :) Multa sanatate va doresc si voua si celor dragi voua :* Pe acesta cale vreau sa va mai multumesc inca o data pentru toate urarile pe care le-am primit pe pagina de Facebook :D

(click pe poza pentru a putea vedea mai bine denumirea produselor si calitatile fiecaruia)

Aici puteti sa cititi despre fiecare produs in parte si sa vedeti si watch-uri (click pe denumire va rog): HH Moisture (este BB Cream-ul meu preferat :D), HH Clearingrestul BB Cream-urilor

Happy, Happy Birthday Giveaway!

Ca de fiecare daca, voi alege castigatorii in maxim 72 de ore de la incheirea giveaway-ului, iar castigatorii vor avea 72 de ore la dispozitie sa-mi raspunda, altfel voi alege alti castigatori. Mare atentie cand va inscrieti va rog :)

*vreau sa mai mentionez ca voi comanda produsele in momentul in care voi afla cele doua castigatoare (asta pentru ca nu stiu ce isi doresc) si pentru ca vin de foarte departe vor ajunge la mine cam in 3 saptamani - o luna, apoi eu le voi expedia catre castigatoare (vom tine legatura prin email bineinteles :D)

Mult succes tuturor! :*