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My Week In Photos (23.06 - 29.06)


Hello! :D

I had an awesome, awesome week! It was filled with activities, I almost didn't have time to catch my breath, that's how I like my days to be, filled with lots of stuff to do, I want to be super tired before I go to sleep haha :)) I know I function in a weird way, but I have always like super busy days, I just can't stay still and not to something, I always have to find things to do :)) Is that how you are too?

Am avut o săptămână BESTIALĂ! Fiecare zi a fost plină de activităţi, aproape că nici n-am avut timp să-mi trag sufletul, dar nu-i nimic, aşa-mi plac mie zilele, aglomerate, vreau să cad lată de oboseală seara haha :))) Ştiu că funcţionez ciudat, dar întotdeauna mi-au plăcut zilele aglomerate, nu suport să stau degeaba, trebuie tot timpul să găsesc ceva de făcut :)) Aşa sunteţi şi voi?

On Monday I did a lot of writing for my blog, I love to blog related things on Monday, to organize and write my articles and to edit my photos :) Lately I've been drinking (Beyonce haha ♥)  a lot of juice (I usually drink only still water), but some of them are so tasty I can't help myself ♥ For example this Frutty Fresh one with Pears is so delicious :D In the evening I've washed my brushes, I wash them more often now, the face ones two times a week and the ones for the eyes I was them almost every time I use them and no, I didn't throw out that ripped beauty blender haha, I really have to get a new one, the ones I got for eBay weren't good :/

 Luni am scris, imi place sa ma ocup de blog in special lunea, sa-mi organizez articolele, sa-mi editez pozele si sa scriu articole :) In ultima vreme am baut cam mult suc (in general beau doar apa plata), dar sunt unele atat de gustoase ♥ Spre exemplu dupa cel de la Cappy de piersici cu bucati de fruct inauntru, Fruty Fresh cu pere e delicios :D Seara am spalat pensulele, inainte le spalam duminica, acum le spal mai des, cam o data la doua folosiri (vorbesc despre cele de fata, pe cele de ochi le spal dupa aproape fiecare folosire, depinde de machiaj si ce culori folosesc), n-am aruncat nici acum beauty blender-ul rupt, il folosesc pe bucati, n-am mai apucat sa-mi iau altul, iar cele de pe ebay n-au fost bune :/.

If you didn't get to see my Fashion 2sday outfit here you go: 29-2! :D Tuesday was a pretty busy day, I had a lot of errands to run so I chose a comfy outfit, I love this jumpsuit (I had a bad hair day :D) ♥ Our last stop was at a hypermarket where I got to see two sea lion, omg they're beautiful creatures, I think I was excited even more than the kids that were there, I am so happy I got the chance to see them in real life (I only hope they are loved and well treated).

Daca nu ati vazut outfit-ul de marti de pe blog, va invit sa-l vedeti acum: 29-2!Marti am avut mai multa treaba prin oras, asa ca am ales o tinuta lejera, imi place la nebunie salopeta aceasta (aveam a bad hair day :D) ♥ Ultima oprire a fost la Cora unde am vazut pentru prima data doi lei de mare, cred ca am fost mai entuziasmata decat copii care erau acolo, sunt niste animale incredibil de frumoase si ma bucur tare mult ca am avut sansa sa le vad atat de aproape (sper din tot sufletul sa fie tratate bine si sa fie ingrijite asa cum trebuie).

On Wednesday I wore two outfits haha :)) It was a very special day, we went to see the new Transformers movie, IT WAS AWESOME, we're BIG fans of the Transformer series and this movie was soooo good, we can't wait for the next one ♥ ♥ 

Miercuri am schimbat mai multe ţinute haha :)) A fost o zi specială, am mers să vedem Transformers, a fost BESTIAL, suntem MARI fani ai seriei Transformers, iar acest film nu ne-a dezamăgit, de-abia îl asteptăm pe următorul ♥ ♥ ♥

I woke up early and prepared our favourite pasta dish, soon after I was done making lunch, Dove surprised me with a lovely gift, I've already started using the products ♥ After that, I had some stuff to do so I was out for almost the entire day, when I got home I ate a delicious pudding!

De dimineaţă am pregătit pastele noastre preferate :D La scurt timp după ce-am terminat de gătit, am primit o surpriză din partea Dove, am început deja să folosesc produsele ♥ Apoi tot restul zilei am avut treabă în oras, aşa că am optat pentru o ţinută super casual :) Seara m-am răsfţat cu budinca Paula, CEA MAI BUNA bundincă pe care am mâncat-o, atât de cremoasă şi gustoasă!

On Friday we went to Ikea (hot dog hoooot doooo :D 2 of them :D), I didn't get anything I was just browsing :)) Because it rained and it was a little bit chilly I wore thin animal print sweater and my favourite boots :) Then it got super hot and I regretted wearing them haha :D

Vineri am făcut o vizită la Ikea (hot dog hoootdooog :D 2 :D), în mare parte am căscat gura pe acolo, am fost pe post de însoţitor :)) Pentru că a plouat şi era destul de răcoare înainte să plecăm, am purtat un pulover subţire cu animal print şi bocancii mei preferaţi :) Apoi s-a făcut super cald şi-am regretat decizia :D

On the first part of the day I was busy, but after that it was pampering time haha :)) I made some meatballs which we ate with mashed potatoes and a sauce from Ikea, it was super yummy and after that I rested for the entire evening :D

Sâmbătă în prima parte a zilei am avut treaba, apoi a venit răsfăţul haha :)) Am pregătit niste chifteluţe pe care le-am servit cu piure şi sos de la Ikea, a fost delicios prânzul, iar apoi leneveală tot restul serii :D

On Sunday we took short trip to Predeal, it was a short trip because we were dressed super summerish and it was super cold there so we did what we had to do there, eat something and then went straight home, I wanted to take some photos of an outfit there, but that wasn't possible, but we will be back soon :D

Duminică am dat o fugă până la munte, la Predeal mai exact şi când spun fugă chiar a fost fugă pentru ca n-am fost îmbrăcaţi adecvat şi-am îngheţat :))) Voiam să pozez şi o ţinută, dar nu s-a mai întâmplat nici asta, am rezolvat treaba pentru care venisem, am mancat la Vatra Regala şi-am plecat spre casa, noroc că ne întoarcem în curând :D

How was your week?

Cum a fost săptămâna voastră? :D

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Vă doresc o zi minunată, v-am pupat :***