Hey! :)
I can't even remember when I posted my last Favourites post, I didn't really try any new products worth mentioning in the past couple of months so I didn't have really that much to show you and I couldn't just keep showing you the same products over and over again, so Favourites post took a break :D A small one haha :)) Now let me show you what products I've been loving in the month of January :) (I've changed the format of this post because not every month I am going to have products for every category so from now on I'm not going to split them up on categories anymore).
Nici nu mai știu cât timp a trecut de la ultima postare de genul, în ultimele luni nu am mai încercat prea multe produse noi care să merite să fie menționate așa ca nu am avut ce să vă mai prezint, nu avea niciun rost să vă tot arăt produse pe care le-ați mai văzut, așa că am decis ca acest tip de postăre să ia o pauză :D O pauză scurta haha :)) Haideți să vă arăt ce produse am îndrăgit foarte mult în luna ianuarie :) (am decis să modific puțin formatul acestor postari pentru că nu de fiecare dată am produse pentru fiecare categorie în parte asa ca am decis să nu le mai împart pe categorii).
- Bye bye Avon hair treatment with Argan oil, hello Maroccanoil oil, I like to apply it on damp hair as much as I like to apply it on dry hair, it smells amazing and it tames my ends and frizzy flyaways :D
- If you want to smell like cookies then you have to have the Vanilla Body Spray from Avon, oh my! The smell, the smell ♥ I like spraying it after I shower/bathe, my grandma asked me the other day if I was baking something haha :D (the smell won't last that long, but that is a good excuse to spray some more :D);
- Skin79 B.B Cream - Lovely Girl - (click on the products name to read my review) - it looks so natural on the skin and you almost can't feel you are wearing any product on your face, I love to wear it when my acne isn't acting up :);
- TONYMOLY - Backstage Gel Eyeliner - (click on the products name to read my review) it is the best gel liner I have ever used, cheap and awesome! It is creamy, pigmented and waterproof and it costs only 9$;
- Benefit they're Real! - WOW, I don't know if it's the brush, the formula or a combination between these two, but my lashes look AMAZING with this mascara, I love it, I will review it this week;
- essence eyebrow stylist set - I was using an eye shadow to fill in my eyebrows, but it broke so I had to get something else, I did a little bit of research on the internet and found this set, I'm glad I can use both of the shadows, I really like it, I will review it soon;
- Ciate mini in all aglow - these mini glitter nail polishes from the Christmas Set are beautiful, I've used this one to make different nail designs, I will show them all to you in a future post;
- Eveline Cosmetics 8in1 Total Action - this is the only treatment for soft, brittle nails that worked for me, it did wonders to my nails, I've never had such hard nails like I have now, I'll talk more about it soon;
- essence eyebrow designer 02 Brown - I needed a new eyebrow pencil so I ordered it when I ordered the stylist set, I like it as much as like the set, I will definitely repurchase it, a review is coming up soon.
My favourite movie was Frozen, you HAVE to see it, it is funny and I loved the story, a must see indeed :D
În ceea ce privește filmele, trebuie neapărat să menționez Frozen, neapărat DE VĂZUT, e super amuzant, iar povestea e tare frumoasă, il recomand :D
(sursă poză: wikia.com)
And Beyonce's new album was the most listened too album in the month of January, I just love her and her music! ♥
Iar în ceea ce privește muzica pe care am ascultat-o, albumul lui Beyonce a fost ascultat și răs-ascultat, love her! ♥
(sursă poză: billboard.com)
What products did you love in the month of January? :D
Voi ce produse ați îndrăgit în luna ianuarie? :D
Have a great day, many kisses :***
Vă doresc o zi minunată, v-am pupat :***