Hello! :D
After a busy week, a chill one is more than welcomed, o week in which we discussed the final details of our trip, I made sure I won't be missed here on the blog (:D) and of course I did not forget to relax. I don't know why I have been so tired lately, I am thinking maybe because I want everything to be always so close to perfect that I get involved a little bit too much in what I am doing and I forget to rest, but no worries I am going to charge my batteries soon ♥
După o săptămână agitată e numai binevenită o săptămână mai linişită, o săptămână în care am pus la punct ultimele detalii legate de vacanţă, am avut în mod special grijă de blog ca nu care cumva să-mi simţiţi lipsa cât sunt plecată (:D) şi-am avut timp şi de câteva momente de relaxare. Nu ştiu de ce în ultima perioadă m-am simţit extrem de obosită, cred însă că este de la faptul că mă agit şi mă stresesz mult prea tare, vreau ca totul să fie cât mai aproape de perfect cu putinţă şi câteodată mă implic atât de mult în ceea ce fac încât uit să mai iau şi pauze, dar nu-i nimic o să-mi încarc bateriile câte curând ♥
Monday / Luni
Monday is the least exciting day of the week, it's the day I work the most on the things I have to do. I did take a small break to enjoy a Rum Cappuccino, it's my favourite.
Monday is the least exciting day of the week, it's the day I work the most on the things I have to do. I did take a small break to enjoy a Rum Cappuccino, it's my favourite.
Lunea este una dintre cele mai nepalpitante zile ale săptămânii, este ziua pe care mi-o dedic cam în 80% din timp treburilor importante pe care le am de facut. Am luat însă o scurtă pauză de relaxare şi-am servit un Cappuccino cu Rom, preferatul meu ♥
Tuesday / Marți
The outfit of the week was: Crop it! Rock it! Even though I am not a fan the these types of masks (I like the material one soaked in serum) I did wanted to try this one, though the warning on the back kind of scared me: your skin might turn red! That's all I needed :)) I did take a risk and tried it, nothing bad happened to me, I know I don't have sensitive skin, but you never know, bad things always happen to me :D I don't know how I feel about it yet.
The outfit of the week was: Crop it! Rock it! Even though I am not a fan the these types of masks (I like the material one soaked in serum) I did wanted to try this one, though the warning on the back kind of scared me: your skin might turn red! That's all I needed :)) I did take a risk and tried it, nothing bad happened to me, I know I don't have sensitive skin, but you never know, bad things always happen to me :D I don't know how I feel about it yet.
Tinuţa săptămânii a fost: Crop it! Rock it! :D Deşi nu prea mă omor după măstile de genul (îmi plac cele din material îmbibate cu serum) am zis totuşi să o încerc pe cea de la Vivanatura, m-am speriat teribil chestia scrisă pe spatele ambalajului: s-ar putea să vi se înroşească pielea! Numai asta nu-mi mai trebuia :)) Am riscat totuşi şi n-am avut nicio problemă,ştiam că n-am tenul sensibil, dar totuşi orice se poate întâmpla, mai ales mie :D Nu mi-am făcut o părere însa despre ea momentan.
Wednesday / Miercuri
On Wednesday it rained cats and dogs, luckily we were shopping at that time :)) We did go out when it was still dripping and of course because I was wearing sandals and I had to go through every puddle I say :D The streets were flooded, the cars were making waves all I needed was a floatie :D
On Wednesday it rained cats and dogs, luckily we were shopping at that time :)) We did go out when it was still dripping and of course because I was wearing sandals and I had to go through every puddle I say :D The streets were flooded, the cars were making waves all I needed was a floatie :D
Era să ne prindă o ploaieee!!! Am avut noroc că eram la cumpărături :)) Am ieşit totuşi când încă mai picura niţel şi evident că fiind încălţată cu sandale am luat-o prin toate bălţile din parcare pe care le-am găsit :D Străzile erau inundate, aveam şi valuri, colacul îmi mai trebuia :D
Thursday / Joi
Thursday was the busiest day of the week, I spent my day with my parents and my nephews, we went to different parks, we walked, we runned, we played and guess who felt first at duty? Nope, not the kids, it was me :)) At 11:30 PM I was sleeping :D I didn't get to take pictures because I did not have time for pictures :))
Thursday was the busiest day of the week, I spent my day with my parents and my nephews, we went to different parks, we walked, we runned, we played and guess who felt first at duty? Nope, not the kids, it was me :)) At 11:30 PM I was sleeping :D I didn't get to take pictures because I did not have time for pictures :))
Joi mi-am petrecut ziua în compania părinţilor şi a nepoţeilor, am fost în parcuri, ne-am plimbat, ne-am alergat, ne-am jucat şi ghiciţi cine a căzut primul la datorie? Nu, nu, nu copii, ci eu :))) La 11 jumate dormeam dusă :D N-am apucat să fac poze pentru că n-am avut timp de poze :))
Friday / Vineri
I did spend almost my entire day with my niece and my sister-in-law, we continued what I started yesterday :)) I did wanted to change my sleeping hours so spending your day doing fun activities with kids will put you to be early :D Of course we had so much fun, we are going on vacation together so it will be AWESOME! We ate some ice cream and she painted a Tweety, it was lovely :D
I did spend almost my entire day with my niece and my sister-in-law, we continued what I started yesterday :)) I did wanted to change my sleeping hours so spending your day doing fun activities with kids will put you to be early :D Of course we had so much fun, we are going on vacation together so it will be AWESOME! We ate some ice cream and she painted a Tweety, it was lovely :D
Mi-am petrecut o mare parte din zi cu nepoţica mea şi cumnata mea, am continuat ce am început ieri :)) Şi aşa voiam să îmi schimb ora de somn, în felul acesta sunt sigură că nu ma mai prinde ora 00 fără ca eu să dorm :D Bineînţeles că ne-am distrat, plecăm şi-n vacanţă împreună deci o să fie GROZAV! ♥ Am avut şi îngheţaţă, am pictat şi-un Tweety, a fost frumos :D
Saturday / Sâmbătă
Saturday I almost died because of the heat...that can be an activity too haha :)) I mostly lounged in bed and eat a delicious dinner :D
Sâmbătă am murit de cald...este şi asta o activitate să ştiţi haha :)) În marea parte a timpului am lenevit şi-am servit şi-o cină delicioasă :D
Saturday I almost died because of the heat...that can be an activity too haha :)) I mostly lounged in bed and eat a delicious dinner :D
Sâmbătă am murit de cald...este şi asta o activitate să ştiţi haha :)) În marea parte a timpului am lenevit şi-am servit şi-o cină delicioasă :D
Sunday / Duminică
I did almost the same thing I did on Saturday, the only different thing is that we went out, we had a lot of things to talk about :)) And we eneded the day with a super funny movie with Cameron Diaz: The Other Woman.
Am facut cam acelaşi lucru pe care l-am făcut şi sâmbătă, seara am ieşit la terasă, aveam de pus ţara la cale :)) Şi-am incheiat ziua cu un film super haios cu Cameron Diaz: The Other Woman.
I did almost the same thing I did on Saturday, the only different thing is that we went out, we had a lot of things to talk about :)) And we eneded the day with a super funny movie with Cameron Diaz: The Other Woman.
Am facut cam acelaşi lucru pe care l-am făcut şi sâmbătă, seara am ieşit la terasă, aveam de pus ţara la cale :)) Şi-am incheiat ziua cu un film super haios cu Cameron Diaz: The Other Woman.
You can also follow me on Instagram, I post new photos almost everyday: @missrux :D
Vă invit să mă urmăriţi şi pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @missrux :D
How was your week? / Cum a fost săptămâna voastră? :)
Vă invit să mă urmăriţi şi pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @missrux :D
How was your week? / Cum a fost săptămâna voastră? :)
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Vă doresc o zi minunată, v-am pupat :***