Hello :)
When we are are looking for a dress for an event, we are looking for the perfect dress, the one that will make us shine (literally is you don't mind some glitter, I know I wouldn't :D) The cocktail dresses, they are the subject of this post today, are perfect for semi-formal events (or black tie events), they have a medium length (above the knee) and you can find them for every taste, from the most daring to ones that are a little bit conservative.
When we are are looking for a dress for an event, we are looking for the perfect dress, the one that will make us shine (literally is you don't mind some glitter, I know I wouldn't :D) The cocktail dresses, they are the subject of this post today, are perfect for semi-formal events (or black tie events), they have a medium length (above the knee) and you can find them for every taste, from the most daring to ones that are a little bit conservative.
Atunci când suntem în căutarea unei rochii pentru un eveniment, suntem în căutarea rochii perfecte, rochie în care pur şi simplu să strălucim (chiar şi la propriu dacă nu vă deranjează puţin sclipici, pe mine una cu siguranţă nu m-ar deranja :D). Rochiile de cocktail, că despre ele o să vorbim astazi, sunt rochii perfecte pentru evenimente semi-formale, au o lungime medie şi se găsesc pentru gustul fiecăruia, de la rochii cuminţele la rochii mai îndrăzneţe :)
I personally prefer to do my shopping online, I find the whole going to one thousand stores and not finding anything I like very stressful and if you don't have a pretty big budget you might not find the dress of your dreams (that's if you are very, very picky :D). DressV is here to help the people that don't have time, are not in the mood to go shopping or they find it stressful as well and provides them a large selection of dresses, beautiful dresses. Their 2014 cocktail dress collection includes dresses for all tastes, from simple dresses to embellished ones.
I personally prefer to do my shopping online, I find the whole going to one thousand stores and not finding anything I like very stressful and if you don't have a pretty big budget you might not find the dress of your dreams (that's if you are very, very picky :D). DressV is here to help the people that don't have time, are not in the mood to go shopping or they find it stressful as well and provides them a large selection of dresses, beautiful dresses. Their 2014 cocktail dress collection includes dresses for all tastes, from simple dresses to embellished ones.
Mie personal îmi place să-mi fac cumpărăturile online, mi se pare foarte stresantă toată aventura cu alergatul prin magazine, faptul că nu găsesc niciodată nimic care să-mi placă, iar dacă nu ai buget destul de măricel s-ar putea să iţi găsesti mai greu rochiţa visurilor tale (mai ales dacă eşti super, mega pretenţioasă :D). DressV vine în ajutorul celor care n-au timp sau chef să umble după rochii prin magazine şi pune la dispoziţia lor o selecţie de rochii care mai de care mai frumoase. Colecţia lor de rochii de cocktail 2014 cuprinde rochii pentru toate gusturile, de la rochii simple, la rochii de-a dreptul strălucitoare.
Of course I just couldn't help myself and I had to look at all of the dresses on DressV, it is impossible not to fall in love with at least 10 dressed so I made a selection from the 2014 cocktail dresses category to show you what I like and think that suits me the most, if you want to see the entire collection: http://www.dressv.com/ or http://www.dressv.com/cocktail-dresses-2014-c103450/ to get to the cocktail dresses :)
So here's my top 4, can you guess which one I would choose from the 4 of them? :D
Aşa că iată topul meu, cine poate să ghicească pe care dintre cele 4 aş alege-o? :D
Ia spuneţi-mi, voua vă face vreo rochie de pe DressV cu ochiul? Sunt sigură că aţi văzut cel puţin una care v-a tăiat respiraţia haha :D
Vă doresc o zi minunată, v-am pupat :***