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Hairtrade I&K Hair Extensions


Heya! :D

Sometimes you get crazy ideas like: what if I would dye my hair blonde? or what if I would cut my hair short after I struggled to grow my hair out all of these years? I am sure many of you know what I am talking about :) Last year near the end of summer I decided I wanted short hair, I had an obsession for the lob haircut so that's the haircut I went for. This year I have a new obsession and it is for long hair, not just long, but looooong. Unfortunately there's a ling way for me to get there, but that doesn't mean I cant't cheat haha :)) And I am doing that with the help of hair extensions!

Cateodata te apuca idei din astea nebune, gen: ce-ar fi daca m-as face brusc blonda? sau ce-ar fi daca m-as tunde scurt dupa ce m-am chinuit atatia ani sa-mi las parul sa creasca? Sunt singura ca multe dintre voi stiu despre ce vorbesc :) Anul trecut pe la sfarsitul verii am decis brusc ca vreau sa ma tund, facusem o obsesie pentru bobul lung asa ca asta a fost tunsoare pentru care am optat. Anul acesta obsesia mea e parul lung si nu doar lung ci luuuuuung, pana acolo insa e drumul lung, dar asta nu inseamna ca nu pot trisa haha :)) Si fac asta cu ajutorul extensiilor despre care am sa vorbesc astazi!

Name / Denumire: I&K Hair Extensions; ***
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?: From / de pe;
 Price? / Ce preţ au?: 72.99 pounds / 405 lei;
Lenght / Lungime: 22inch / 55.88cm;
Shade / Nuanta: P4/27;

This is my first time trying hair extensions, I was really curious about them and I waited for them anxiously because I didn't know if I picked the right shade. I can almost say that my hair is natural (85% of it), there are still some red highlights in it from previous coloring. The second fear I had was about the quality of the hair extensions, let's be honest who wants to wear plastic extensions? Not Fun! all these fear I had went away when I received them, I&K hair extensions are made form 100% real human hair (it feels weird to touch it), you can feel it and you can also see it, it is really smooth and shiny, if you didn't know I was wearing extensions then you would think it's my own hair :))

Este pentru prima data cand incerc extensiile de par, am fost tare curioasa in legatura cu ele si le-am asteptat cu mari emotii pentru ca nu stiam daca mi-am nimerit nuanta. In proportie de 85% culoarea parului meu este naturala, mai sunt locuri unde are cateodata diverse reflexii de la culorile in care am avut vopsit parul in trecut. Cea de-a doua temere a fost in legatura cu calitatea parului, pentru ca sa fim seriosi cine vrea par din plastic? Not fun! Toate aceste temeri mi-au fost spulberate in momentu in care au ajuns la mine, extensiile de par I&K sunt realizate din 100% par natural (foarte ciudat sa iti plimbi mana prin ele), se simte si se vede lucrul acesta, parul e foarte fin si stralucitor, nici n-ai avea cum sa iti dai seama (asta daca nu s-ar vedea parul meul) ca nu e al meu :)) 

The I&K hair extensions package contains:
  • 2 8inch hair extention (3 clips);
  • 2 6inch extensions (3 clips)';
  • 6 1 1/2 inch extensions (1 clip);
  • 2 1 1/2inch test extensions.

Pachetul de extensii I&K contine:
  • 2 extensii 20,5 cm cu trei clipsuri;
  • 2 extensii 15,5 cm cu trei clipsuri;
  • 6 extensii 3,5 cm cu 1 clips clipsuri;
  • 2 extensii 4 cm de test fara clips.
On the back of the cardboard from the package you can find the maintenance instructions. / Pe spatele cartonului din pachet gasiti instructiunile de intretinere a extensiilor.

Regarding the application part, it's really simple, you just have to find the best method for your hair (I watched a bunch of YouTube videos until I found  the best way to put them on). Unfortunately as you can see they don't blend very well with my hair, I need to trim them so they would look good, but before doing that I wanted to show them to you in their original state :)) I takes about 10 minute to clip them all in and they stay put all day, if you do have a sensitive scalp, then at the end of the day it might hurt a little bit, but not as much as when you have your hair in a very tight pony tail, but it can bother you a little bit.

In ceea ce priveste aplicarea lor, acesta e cat se poate de simpla, trebuie insa sa gasiti metoda cea mai buna pentru parul vostru (eu m-am uitat la o gramada de videoclipuri de Youtube). Din pacate dupa cum observati la mine nu se amesteca foarte bine cu parul natural si se vede destul de bine diferenta, ceea ce trebuie sa le fac este sa le tund, dar inainte de asta am vrut sa vi le arat in starea lor originala inainte sa le fac modificari :)) Imi ia in jur de 10 minute sa le pun si-mi stau toata ziua fara probleme singurul lucrul pe care l-am observat este ca daca aveti pielea capului sensibila la sfarsitul zilei aceasta o sa va doara, nu ca atunci cand va prindeti o coada strans, dar e o senzatie deranjanta. 

I would have liked the hair on the extension to be a little bit more thick, I have pretty thick hair and from the back you can see how thin the extensions look, it is not a very credible look.

Mi-ar fi placut ca parul sa fie putin mai des, daca va uitati la poza pe care am facut din spate se observa ca extensiile sunt destul de rare, ceea ce face ca look-ul final sa nu fie unul credibil.

In case I don't want to cut the extensions so that they would match my haircut I can pin in back some of hair and i think the result looks a lot better :) You are probably asking yourself what happens if you wash them, would they look the same, would the texture of the hair modify? The answer is no, it's still as soft as before, but they get a little bit frizzy and a little bit wavy, but because they are made from 100% real human hairhair you can use heat on them. I wouldn't wear them on an everyday basis, but for special occasions or when I feel like changing my look I think they are perfect for that :)

In situatia in care n-as vrea sa fac modificari extensiilor pot prinde suvitele din fata cu un clips in spate si dupa cum observati rezultatul arata mult mai bine :) Probabil ca va intrebati ce se intampla daca le spalati, vor mai arata la fel, se va modifica textura parul? Raspunsul este nu, ramane la fel de moale si stralucitor singurul lucru care se schimba este aspectu suvitei, adica din drept devine putin mai pufos si usor ondular, dar fiind par 100% natural puteti folosi aparate de coafat fara nicio problema. N-as putea insa sa le port zi de zi, insa pentru ocazii speciale sau cand vreau o schimbare de look sunt numai binevinte.

Have you ever wore hair extensions? Would you wear or do you prefer your own hair? :)

Ati purtat pana acum extensii? Ati purta sau preferati parul vostru natural? :)

Have a great day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***