Hello! :D
When it comes to fashion I am obsessed with shoes, when it comes to makeup I am obsessed with lipsticks, if I have to limit myself when it comes to shoes (because I don't have where to put them), it is hard to do the same with lipsticks because they are small and I can always find space for them haha :)) I couldn't say that my collection of lipsticks grows every day, but I do buy new ones pretty often. Today I am going to talk about a lipstick that has not been out for too long, a lipstick that I've used very often this summer, a lipstick that I will use every time I want a natural makeup.
In materie de fashion sunt obsedata de pantofi, in materie de makeup sunt obsedata de rujuri, daca la pantofi ma pot limita (asta din cauza spatiului), la rujuri imi e mai greu, ca-s mici, le gasesc eu un locsor undeva haha :)) N-as putea zice ca pe zi ce trece colectia mea se mareste, dar cu siguranta cate un produs pentru buze isi face destul de des loc in colectia. Astazi o va povestesc despre un ruj disponibil nu de foarte mult timp pe piata, un ruj foarte des folosit de mine vara acesta, un ruj spre care ma voi indrepta de fiecare data cand vreau un machiaj natural.
Name / Denumire: Yves Rocher Sheer Botanical Lipstick Shade 32 Rose Cocktail ; ***
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?: From the Yves Rocher brochure / Din catalogul sau de pe site-ul Yves Rocher;
Price? / Ce preţ are?: $8.50 (from $15) / 25 lei (la reducere momentan);
Shades / Nuante: There are 12 shades available / Sunt 11 nuante disponibile;
Amount / Cantitate: 3.5g.
The packaging is tiny, pretty and elegant, beside the Yves Rocher logo and name you won't find anything else on the cap. It is made out a very qualitative cherry transparent plastic. Being tiny (not too tiny compared to a normal size lipstick) it doesn't take that much space in your makeup back so it's perfect for taking it everywhere to you :) Just like the name of it says, it is a sheer lipstick, I like to describe it as a colored lip balm. The shade might scare some of you when you first see it, but once you apply it looks very natural, definitely not that pink. You can apply only one layer if you want a little bit of color or you can apply more layers if you want a certain intensity, it is buildable. It applies very nice, it has a shiny finish, the smell is pretty strong, very perfumey, so if you know you have a sensitive nose you might not like this aspect. It isn't a long wearing lipstick, but it doesn't claim to be one, it does not dry the lips and it does not start to look weird as it is wearing out it gradually disappears. Form the 12 shades that are available online Back Cherry really caught my eye so I am going to be adding that one on my wishlist :)
Ambalajul este mititel, frumusel si elegant, nu gasim nimic altceva inscriptionat pe capacel decat sigla si numele companiei -Yves Rocher-. Este realizat dintr-un plastic visiniu transparent calitativ. Fiind mititel (nu cu mult fata de un ruj de dimensiuni normal, este o diferenta vizibila) nu ocupa mult loc in portfard, deci e perfect pentru a il lua cu voi peste tot :) Asa cum spune si denumirea acestui produs, este un ruj semi-opac, mie imi place sa-l descriu ca un balsam de buze colorat. Desi nuanta va poate speria cand o vedeti prima data, aplicata arata foarte natural, nu-i in niciun caz atat de roz. Il puteti aplica intr-un singur strat pentru un rezultat cat mai natural sau puteti sa "construiti" culoarea adaugand mai multe straturi. Se aplica frumos, are un finish lucios, iar in ceea ce priveste mirosul acesta este unul destul de puternic, foarte parfumat, nu-i un miros neplacut, dar daca stiti ca aveti probleme cu mirosurile puternice atunci s-ar putea sa aveti probleme cu acesta. La capitolul rezistenta nu exceleaza, dar nici nu este comercializat ca un ruj rezistent, nu usuca buzele si nici nu se strange inestetic, dispare treptat. Dintre cele 11 culori disponibile Black Cherry mi-a mai facut cu ochiul asa ca momentan se afla pe lista de dorinte :)
Have you tried the Sheer Botanical Lipstick with Natural Cherry Oil? What do you think about them? ^_^
Ati incercat rujurile stralucitoare imbogatite cu Ulei de Cirese? Ce parere aveti despre ele? ^_^
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***