Hello! :D
Days are flying by, just flying by...it's good when they are flying by and you actually fell you achieved something, but I feel that I am not doing anything productive these days though I'm always busy, even on the week-end I am working on something :/ Maybe it is just a phase....but it sure is a long one :D Let's leave that to the side so I can show you how my week looked!
Se duc zilele, se duc...e bine atunci cand se duc cu folos, la mine insa simt ca multe trec asa si n-apuc sa fac nimic productiv, dar cred ca doar mi se pare pentru ca nu stau locului o clipa, chiar si-n week-end mai rezolv una alta :/Poate e doar o faza trecatoare..care se cam intinde cam mult :D Dar haideti sa lasam asta la o parte si sa va arat cum a fost saptamana mea!
Monday / Luni
The moment I see piles of colorful leaves I know that autumn is really here ♥ If I can't throw myself if them (maybe I won't be able to get up haha) that doesn't mean I can't enjoy watching my niece playing with them :) We stayed outside for a little bit more after school because the weather was just perfect!
De cum vad mormane de frunze pe jos simt cu adevarat ca a venit toamna ♥ Daca eu nu ma mai arunc in frunze (ca poate nu ma mai ridic haha :D) asta nu inseamna ca nu pot sa ma bucur atunci cand o vad pe nepotica mea atat de fericita jucandu-se cu ele :) Dupa ce-am venit de la scoala, am mai stat putin afara ca tare era frumos!
Tuesday / Marți
I went to an event with Julie, it was fun, it was the official opening of a pub, we socialized, we listened to some good live music, it was great :D A new outfit made an appearance here: Rise & Shine!
Marti am fost impreuna cu Julie la un eveniment tare frumos, deshiderea oficiala a pub-ului Shakespeare, am socializat, am ascultat muzica buna, m-am simtit tare, tare bine :D Tot marti ati vazut si o noua tinuta: Rise & Shine!
Wednesday / Miercuri
On Wednesday Ciupi helped me write a new review (my nieces parrot :D), she was really helpful haha :D In the evening we went to see a movie "Dracula Untold", it was pretty good, can't wait for the next part :)
Miercuri am fost "ajutata" de catre Ciupi (papagalul nepoatei mele :D) sa scriu un nou review, mi-a fost de mare ajutor haha :D Apoi seara am fost sa vedem filmul "Dracula Untold" care a fost un film destul de bun, sunt curioasa de continuare :)
Thursday / Joi
On Thursday I I was in a mood for a natural makeup with a bold lip so that's what I wore and that's what I will be wearing for a long period of time :D I know I haven't show you any food photos recently so here is one, are you craving what I ate (sour cabbage rolls), are you? :)
Joi am avut chef de-un machiaj natural si buze intr-o nuanta puternica, asta si purtat si asta cred ca o sa port foarte des :D Poze cu mancare stiu ca nu ati mai vazut de ceva vreme, dar va arat saptaman asta sarmale haha, v-am facut pofta, v-am facut? :)
Friday / Vineri
I have received the new Yves Rocher products which I can't wait to try and I've posted :D You have also seen a new outfit on the blog, one of my favourites outfits: Catch me if I fall!
Am primit noutatile de la Yves Rocher pe care de-abia astept sa le increrc si am postat o noua tinuta, una dintre preferatele mele: Catch me if I fall!
Saturday / Sâmbătă
Saturday was a very busy day, but I managed to do everything right, but I sure miss having a lazy day :D I am gonna recuperate on Sunday :)
Sambata a fost o mai agitata ca tot restul saptamanii, am reusit sa le fac pe toate, dar tare imi e dor de o zi de leneveala :D Recuperez duminica :)
Sunday / Duminică
We combined work with pleasure, we took some photos for a new outfit, some photos for review and after that, we went to Starbucks where I had my first Pumpkin Spice Latter which was AMAZING, a little bit too sweet for my tasting, but very, very good!
Am imbinat utilul cu placut, o noua sedinta foto, cateva poze pentru o noua postare si o plimbare prin mall,in sfarsit am reusist sa beau si Pumpkin Spice Latte si-a fost DELICIOS, absolut delicios, putin cam dulce insa, dar tare bun!
How was your week?
Cum a fost saptamana voastra?
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***
Tuesday / Marți
I went to an event with Julie, it was fun, it was the official opening of a pub, we socialized, we listened to some good live music, it was great :D A new outfit made an appearance here: Rise & Shine!
Marti am fost impreuna cu Julie la un eveniment tare frumos, deshiderea oficiala a pub-ului Shakespeare, am socializat, am ascultat muzica buna, m-am simtit tare, tare bine :D Tot marti ati vazut si o noua tinuta: Rise & Shine!
Wednesday / Miercuri
On Wednesday Ciupi helped me write a new review (my nieces parrot :D), she was really helpful haha :D In the evening we went to see a movie "Dracula Untold", it was pretty good, can't wait for the next part :)
Miercuri am fost "ajutata" de catre Ciupi (papagalul nepoatei mele :D) sa scriu un nou review, mi-a fost de mare ajutor haha :D Apoi seara am fost sa vedem filmul "Dracula Untold" care a fost un film destul de bun, sunt curioasa de continuare :)
Thursday / Joi
On Thursday I I was in a mood for a natural makeup with a bold lip so that's what I wore and that's what I will be wearing for a long period of time :D I know I haven't show you any food photos recently so here is one, are you craving what I ate (sour cabbage rolls), are you? :)
Joi am avut chef de-un machiaj natural si buze intr-o nuanta puternica, asta si purtat si asta cred ca o sa port foarte des :D Poze cu mancare stiu ca nu ati mai vazut de ceva vreme, dar va arat saptaman asta sarmale haha, v-am facut pofta, v-am facut? :)
Friday / Vineri
I have received the new Yves Rocher products which I can't wait to try and I've posted :D You have also seen a new outfit on the blog, one of my favourites outfits: Catch me if I fall!
Am primit noutatile de la Yves Rocher pe care de-abia astept sa le increrc si am postat o noua tinuta, una dintre preferatele mele: Catch me if I fall!
Saturday / Sâmbătă
Saturday was a very busy day, but I managed to do everything right, but I sure miss having a lazy day :D I am gonna recuperate on Sunday :)
Sambata a fost o mai agitata ca tot restul saptamanii, am reusit sa le fac pe toate, dar tare imi e dor de o zi de leneveala :D Recuperez duminica :)
Sunday / Duminică
We combined work with pleasure, we took some photos for a new outfit, some photos for review and after that, we went to Starbucks where I had my first Pumpkin Spice Latter which was AMAZING, a little bit too sweet for my tasting, but very, very good!
Am imbinat utilul cu placut, o noua sedinta foto, cateva poze pentru o noua postare si o plimbare prin mall,in sfarsit am reusist sa beau si Pumpkin Spice Latte si-a fost DELICIOS, absolut delicios, putin cam dulce insa, dar tare bun!
You can also follow me on Instagram, I post new photos almost everyday: @missrux :D
Va invit sa ma urmăriti si pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @missrux :D
Va invit sa ma urmăriti si pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @missrux :D
Cum a fost saptamana voastra?
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***