Hello! :D
Another week has passed, less hectic, but quite tiring, I feel very tired most of the time, I can barely keep my eyes open at 10 pm, but it is good, now I have a proper program, I'm quite happy about it. Changes are still happening in my life, but they are good changes, I feel optimistic, confident and I have a little bit more courageous :)
Si-a mai trecut o saptamana, mai putin agitata, dar destul de obositoare, simt asta extrem de bine, la ora 10 de-abia mai reusesc sa tin ochii deschisi, dar am si eu in sfarsit un progam ceea ce ma bucura tare bine. Schimbari se petrec in contituare, dar sunt schimbari in bine, sunt optimista, increzatoare si putin mai curajoasa :)
Monday / Luni
I was busy for the first part of the day after that, I had some writing to do, I wanted to be done with everything before Masterchef started, I made some butter popcorn and enjoyed the show :)
I was busy for the first part of the day after that, I had some writing to do, I wanted to be done with everything before Masterchef started, I made some butter popcorn and enjoyed the show :)
In prima parte a zilei am fost ocupata cu mici lucruri apoi am trecut scris, am vrut in mod special sa termin pana la 8 jumate cand incepea Masterchef, mi-am facut o punga de floricele cu unt si m-am uitat la emisiune :)
Tuesday / Marți
Tuesday I was in a crappy mood because of the weather and it was really hard for me to do what I had to do because I felt like doing nothing :/ In the evening I went to a hypermarket and good this delicious macaroon, I didn't think it is going to be so good ♥ You have also seen a new outfit: Reminders of a summer!
Vremea de marti nu m-a ajutat cu nimic, desi am avut o gramada de treaba mi-a fost tare greu sa o duc la bun sfarsit :/ Pentru ca spre seara am ajuns in Cora am incercat de la cofetarie macaroons, nu m-am asteptat sa fie atat de buni &hearts. Marti ati vazut si o noua tinuta pe blog: Reminders of a summer!
Wednesday / Miercuri
I started the day with a delicious grilled cheese sandwich, I felt in love with these type of sandwiches from the first one I tasted :D I also feel in love with this beautiful cutie, it's my niece parrot, she helped me to over my fear and now I think I want one, I kind of got attached to it :D
I started the day with a delicious grilled cheese sandwich, I felt in love with these type of sandwiches from the first one I tasted :D I also feel in love with this beautiful cutie, it's my niece parrot, she helped me to over my fear and now I think I want one, I kind of got attached to it :D
Am inceput ziua cu un delicios sandwich cu cascaval si salam sasesc la tigaie, de cand l-am facut pe primul m-am indragostit de ele :D Si m-am indragostit si de papagalita acesta frumoasa a nepotelei mele, ea m-a ajutat sa-mi inving frica si culmea acum imi cam doresc si eu una, n-as fi crezut ca o sa ma atasez atat de tare :D
Thursday / Joi
I was excited that the weather got a little bit warmer, but I was still half asleep for the most part of the day, I felt like 1 minute equals 10 minutes, I did feel a lot better after I ate something sweet. I listened all day to cartoons while I was writing and oh my good the way that they translate some of the expressions is hilarious , when I was little they didn't translate them and I wasn't complaining, it helped me with my English actually.
Am fost incantata ca s-a mai incalzit afara, dar tot adormita am fost, am avut impresia ca 1 minut era egal cu 10 minute, mi-am revenint insa dupa ce am mancat ceva dulce. E de-a dreptul amuzant sa ascult pe fundal desenele animate, aud niste expresii pe care nu le-am mai auzit pana acum, eu inca nu inteleg de ce s-au hotarat sa le dubleze, pe vremea mea (haha) erau in engleza si nu-mi aduc aminte sa ma fi plans vreaodata de lucrul asta, ba chiar mi-a prins foarte bine.
Friday / Vineri
Cleaning, washing my makeup brushes and The Voice - Romanian edition :)) Some people are waiting anxiously for Friday to come because that means that the week-end is here, I am waiting for Friday to come because I want to watch The Voice (not that I don't like the week-end, I love it!)
Curatenie, spalat pensule si Vocea Romaniei :)) Unii oameni asteapta cu nerabdare vinerea pentru ca vine week-end-ul eu o astept pentru ca e Vocea Romaniei (nu ca week-end-ul nu m-ar bucura) :D
I was excited that the weather got a little bit warmer, but I was still half asleep for the most part of the day, I felt like 1 minute equals 10 minutes, I did feel a lot better after I ate something sweet. I listened all day to cartoons while I was writing and oh my good the way that they translate some of the expressions is hilarious , when I was little they didn't translate them and I wasn't complaining, it helped me with my English actually.
Am fost incantata ca s-a mai incalzit afara, dar tot adormita am fost, am avut impresia ca 1 minut era egal cu 10 minute, mi-am revenint insa dupa ce am mancat ceva dulce. E de-a dreptul amuzant sa ascult pe fundal desenele animate, aud niste expresii pe care nu le-am mai auzit pana acum, eu inca nu inteleg de ce s-au hotarat sa le dubleze, pe vremea mea (haha) erau in engleza si nu-mi aduc aminte sa ma fi plans vreaodata de lucrul asta, ba chiar mi-a prins foarte bine.
Friday / Vineri
Cleaning, washing my makeup brushes and The Voice - Romanian edition :)) Some people are waiting anxiously for Friday to come because that means that the week-end is here, I am waiting for Friday to come because I want to watch The Voice (not that I don't like the week-end, I love it!)
Curatenie, spalat pensule si Vocea Romaniei :)) Unii oameni asteapta cu nerabdare vinerea pentru ca vine week-end-ul eu o astept pentru ca e Vocea Romaniei (nu ca week-end-ul nu m-ar bucura) :D
Saturday / Sâmbătă
Saturday surely was a full day, filled with lots of fun activities> We went with my niece to a kids event in a hypermarket, we ate, we played, we did some sopping and we got home super tired.
Sambata a fost o zi plina de distractie asa cum e fiecare zi pe care o petrecem cu nepoata noastra :)) Am participat la un eveniment pentru copii in Auchan, am mancat, ne-am jucat, am facut cumparaturi. Evident ca odata ajunsa ajunsi acasa am cazut franti.
Saturday surely was a full day, filled with lots of fun activities> We went with my niece to a kids event in a hypermarket, we ate, we played, we did some sopping and we got home super tired.
Sambata a fost o zi plina de distractie asa cum e fiecare zi pe care o petrecem cu nepoata noastra :)) Am participat la un eveniment pentru copii in Auchan, am mancat, ne-am jucat, am facut cumparaturi. Evident ca odata ajunsa ajunsi acasa am cazut franti.
Sunday / Duminică
I was waiting for the warm day they told us we'll be having, unfortunately it was pretty chilly :/ We went to Ikea, ate some more to make sure we don't lose any weight and we took some photos for a new outfit :D
Asteptam cele 27 de grade care nu s-au facut bineinteles resimtite :/ Am fost in Ikea, am mai mancat putin ca nu cumva sa slabim si-am facut si fotografii pentru o noua tinuta :D
How was your week?
Cum a fost saptamana voastra?
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***
I was waiting for the warm day they told us we'll be having, unfortunately it was pretty chilly :/ We went to Ikea, ate some more to make sure we don't lose any weight and we took some photos for a new outfit :D
Asteptam cele 27 de grade care nu s-au facut bineinteles resimtite :/ Am fost in Ikea, am mai mancat putin ca nu cumva sa slabim si-am facut si fotografii pentru o noua tinuta :D
You can also follow me on Instagram, I post new photos almost everyday: @missrux :D
Va invit sa ma urmăriti si pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @missrux :D
Va invit sa ma urmăriti si pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @missrux :D
Cum a fost saptamana voastra?
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***