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Hello! :D

I can't believe I didn't want to post these photos, not because of the outfit, obviously I love the outfit otherwise I wouldn't have worn it, but because I thought I wouldn't like how the photos turned out, I didn't have the best day that day and I thought I didn't do that good at posing, I have really HIGH expectations and being a perfectionist doesn't help either! How cute was I waiting for the tram? I'm kidding, no tram is going on that route for the moment, but I like the place :D

Nu-mi vine sa cred ca eram decisa sa nu pun pozele acestea pe blog, nu din cauza tinutei  care evident ca-mi place ca altfel nu o mai imbracam ci din cauza ca aveam o problema cu pozele, mi se parea ca n-am avut o zi buna atunci si ca rezultatul nu-i pe masura asteptarilor mele, asteptari care sunt MARI intotdeauna! Vedeti ce cuminitica asteptam eu tramvaiul? Glumesc evident, momentan pe acolo nu trece niciun tramvai, dar imi place locul :D

Jacket / Geaca: MiniTake (you can find it here / o puteti gasi aici)
Shirt / Bluza: Bershka via Kurtmann;
Pants / Pantaloni: Stradivarius via Kurtmann;
Bag / Geanta: Front Row Shop;
Shoes / Pantofi: Deichmann.

There's not much to say about this outfit, I am glad the weather is nice so that I can still wear all my autumn clothes, I am totally taking advantage of the beautiful weather :)) The jacket is new in my closet, if you think you've seen it somewhere then you are right, you've seen it at Zara, this I think is a really well made copy, the material is nice and the leather doesn't look cheap at all. The sleeves are a little bit too short, but that's because  have long hands, it is not that visible so it doesn't bother me that much, I always have problems with short sleeves :))

Nu sunt prea multe astazi de povestit despre tinuta, ma bucur ca vremea de afara ma lasa sa ma bucur in continuare de hainute cat de cat subtiri si profit la maxim de asta :)) Gecuta e o achizitie noua si a devenit rapid una dintre piesele pe care le indragesc foarte mult. Daca modelul va pare cunoscut este pentru ca este o copie Zara, foarte reusita insa, materialul este calitativ, pielea artificiala nu are aspect ieftin. Manecile imi sunt putin cam scurte, dar asta pentru ca am mainile putin mai lungi, insa nu-i ceva extrem de vizibil, asa mi se intampla cam la mai toate hainele :))

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***