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Fashion Friday: Fall Into You!


Howdy! :D

You can't even imagine how excited I was to show you this outfit ♥ As simple as it is I am absolutely in love with it and I am grateful that the weather was so lovely that I got to wear it. For me everything revolves around the weather, as much as I love layering, I can't stand to add too many layers, so for example when winter is here I feel like a giant ball, if I happen to fall I have to roll to get to my destination :)) But thankfully we are not there yet! Today I am going to show you another fall outfit, an outfit for a warmer fall like the one we are having at the moment.

Nici nu stiti cu cata nerabdare asteptam sa va arat tinuta aceasta ♥ Pe cat de simpla este, pe atat de mult o iubesc si sunt recunoascatore vremii frumoase ca mi-a permis sa o port. Pentru mine totul se invarte in jurul vremii, desi imi place tare mult layering-ul, nu suport sa adaug prea mult straturi de haine, iarna spre exemplu simt ca sunt ca o mare bila, daca m-am pravalit trebuie sa ma rostogolesc pana la destinatie :)) Bine ca inca n-am ajuns acolo! Astazi ca prezint o noua tinuta de toamna blajina.

Trench: Orsay - Thrifted / SH;
Necklace / Colier: No Name;
T-shirt / Tricou: Bershka via Kurtmann;
Pants / Pantaloni: Beshka via Kurtmann (am descoperit ca la Bershka trebuie sa imi iau intotdeauna cu o marime mai mare - la pantaloni);
Shoes / Pantofi: Milanoo.

If you remember the post where I first showed you this T-shirt I was telling you that you can wear it two ways, as a shirt and as a dress :) Because I love it I wanted to show you another outfit with it, but this time wearing it as dress, I chose to wear it with a pair of brown faux leather pants (very nice material, qualitative, quite thick), my new brown snake skin stilettos (super comfortable, I tested them on pretty much all types of terrains and I walked like a pro haha :D), a statement necklace and I added a thin trench in case it got chilly :)

Daca va mai aduceti aminte de postare in care at vazut pentru prima data tricoul acesta va spuneam se poate purta in doua feluri, pe post de tricou sau pe post de rochita :) Pentru ca imi place incredibil de mult am vrut sa-l vi-l arat in ambele feluri asa ca de data aceasta am ales sa-l combin cu o pereche de pantaloni maro imitatie din piele (material foarte placut si calitativ, destul de grosuti), o pereche de pantofi maro piele de sarpe (extrem de comozi, i-am testat pe toate tipurile de teren si-am mers ca un pro haha :D), un colier statment si ca sa nu-mi fie frig cand se lasa seara am optat pentru un trench subtirel :)

A big thank you to Julie for helping me and taking these amazing photos :*

Multumesc tare, tare mult Julie pentru ajutor si pentru superbele fotografii :*

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***