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My Week In Photos (20.10 - 26.10)


Hey! :D

This week was a pretty chill one, but it ended with a big surprise, pleasant for some, unpleasant for others, but definitely it took us all by surprise. I didn't have time to do much, but I did take advantage of the free time I had. If you have noticed that I keep changing the days I post on here it because I just can't find my place, I am trying to find a way so that I can be happy and I can deliver as always only high quality posts for you to enjoy :)

Saptamana aceasta a fost una linistita si s-a incheiat cu o surpriza de zile mari, placuta pentru unii, neplacuta pentru altii insa cu siguranta o surpriza ce ne-a luat pe toti pe nepregatite. N-am avut timp de facut prea multe lucruri, am profitat insa din plin de timpul liber pe care avut. Daca observati insa ca nu sunt constanta in postari, asta se intampla din cauza ca nu-mi gasesc inca locul, dar promit ca am sa linistesc si cu asta, o sa fac in asa fel incat sa imi fie si mie bine si sa ma pot prezenta in fata voastra numai cu postari calitative asa cum v-am obisnuit pana acum :)

Monday / Luni
Only I can order of pair of flats when winter is almost here haha :)) But it doesn't matter I will wear them when spring comes, they are so pretty, gold & pink ♥ My order from Kurtmann also arrived on Monday, can't wait to show you some new outfits ^_^

Numai eu pot sa-mi comand la sfarsitul toamnei balerini haha :)) Dar nu conteaza ca nu mai pot sa ii port acum, de-abia astept sa ii port la primavara, sunt tare frumosi ♥ Tot luni mi-a sosit si comanda de la Kurtmann, de-abia astept sa va arat doua noi tinute ^_^

Tuesday / Marți
When I got home in the evening these goodies were waiting for me, blueberry yoghurts from Activia, I had one while I watched MasterChef, they are delicious :)

Marti seara cand am ajuns acasa ma asteptau noile iaurturi de baut cu afine de la Activia, m-am rasfatat cu unul in timp ce ma uitam la MasterChef, sunt delicioase :)

Wednesday / Miercuri
On Wednesday I went with Julie to the DressBox event where I saw some beautiful dresses, obviously I am talking about the glittery ones haha :D 

Miercuri am fost impreuna cu Julie la evenimentul DressBox unde am vazut cateva rochii absolut superbe, bineintele ca vorbesc despre cele cu paiete si sclipici haha :D (o sa va vorbesc in curand despre eveniment).

Thursday / Joi
I got home pretty late in the evening, took a long hot bath, ate some delicious dinner and the bed was my best friend :))

Am ajuns destul de traziu acasa, am apucat sa fac o baie, cine nu iubeste baile lungi cand e frig afara? O cina gustoasa si apoi doar patul l-am mai vazut :))

Friday / Vineri
Cooooold, soooo cold! I had to wear my winter jacket :/ If it's Friday then of course I will be watching The Voice :D

Frig domne, tare frig! A trebuit sa-mi scot geaca de iarna :/ Daca e vineri atunci nu mai e niciun secret prentru nimeni ceea ce fac, ma uit la Vocea Romaniei :D

Saturday / Sâmbătă
Nope it is not a photo from last winter, it's a photo from right now :)) Snow at the end of October :D

Nu, nu-i o poza de anul trecut din iarna, e o poza de acum haha :)) Zapada la sfarsitul lunii octombrie :D

Sunday / Duminică
Lazy day, did a little of cooking and I went shopping, I was only for a few minutes outside because it is super cold outside :)) I finally managed to get my hand on a top coat I was looking for ages :)

Zi de leneveala, putin gatit si mers in viteza la cumparaturi ca-i frig tare afara :)) Mi-am luat in sfarsit top coat-ul de la Farmec, sa vedem cat de bun e acum :) L-ati incercat?

You can also follow me on Instagram, I post new photos almost everyday: @goldandsilversparkles :D

Va invit sa ma urmăriti si pe Instagram, postez aproape zilnic poze: @goldandsilversparkles :D

How was your week?

Cum a fost saptamana voastra?

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***