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Mother of the bride dresses!


Hey! :D

Since we have already discussed about the subject of marriage, wedding dresses, etc, and I have showed you how I would like my wedding dress to look like I thought about talking about other outfits today and I am going to talk about the mother of the bride dress and mother of the groom dress because both of them are somewhat in the center of attention at this beautiful event they should also shine. I took the challenge of taking about this subject and turned it into a game, I imagined I was a stylist and my client was the mother of a bride that was looking for an amazing dress to wear. So here are my tips (keep in mind please that I am not a specialist).

Daca tot am dezbatut de-a lungul timpul pe blog subiectul nunti, rochie de mireasa, etc. si v-am aratat cam cum mi-as imagina eu ca ar arata rochia mea de mireasa, astazi m-am gandit sa vorbim si despre alte tinute si mi-am indreptat atentia catre mamele mireselor, dar si ale mirilor pentru ca si ele sunt oarecum in centrul atentiei in cadrul acestui important eveniment si bineinteles ca trebuie sa straluceasca. Am luat provocarea de a scrie despre acest subiect ca pe un joc si-am facut in felul urmator, mi-am imaginat ca lucrez ca stilist, clienta mea este mama unei viitoare mirese si doreste sa isi caute o tinuta pentru acest mare eveniment. Cam aceastea ar fi sfaturile mele (neavizate bineinteles)

As we come in all shapes and sizes it is very important to choose a dress that will suit you, you don't want to highlight the things you don't like about yourself, you should have a pretty clear idea about how you look so this way you can hide the things that you don't like and bring out the things you like. It is very important to go for dresses that suit your body type, there are dresses that will give impression of a waistline where the waistline it is not so defined, dresses that will successfully hide your belly if you are not happy with it (for example I have to wear these kind of dresses), dresses that will hide your less toned arms if that is a thing that bothers you, etc. 

Cum venim in toate formele si marimile este foarte important sa alegem o rochie care sa ni se potriveasca si sa nu scoata in evidenta lucrurile care nu ne plac, ar trebui sa avem o idee exacta despre cum aratam ca sa stim cum sa ascundem ceea ce nu ne place si cum sa punem in evidenta ceea ce ne place. E foarte important sa optam pentru rochii care ne avantajeaza forma corpului, exista rochii care pun in evidenta o talie nu atat de bine definita, rochii care ascund cu brio o burtica suparatoare (aici spre exemplu ma incadrez eu), rochii care ascund niste brate mai putin tonifiate in cazul in care e acesta e un lucru care va deranjeaza, etc.

If you know you are in love with embellishments like: glitter, sequins, sparkly stones, use them with care (I am the one who's talking lol), no matter if your designing your own dress or buying one, less has always been more, you don't want people to mistaken you with the disco ball and you certainly don't want all the attention to go to you. If you don't want a simple dress than a small embellishment or a few and delicate ones will be perfect from my point of view.

Daca stiti ca va plac pietricele, sclipiciul sau paietele, folositi-le cu masura (eu m-am gasit sa spun asta care sunt de-a dreptul innebunita dupa primele doua haha), indiferent ca va creati propia rochia sau va cumparati una, less a fost intotdeauna more, in niciun caz nu ati vrea sa aratati ca un glob disco, cu siguranta toata atentia ar fi indreptata catre voi. In situatia in care nu va doriti o rochie simpla, un mic ornament sau cateva micute si delicate din punctul meu de vedere sunt perfecte.

So here are my proposals:

Iata si propunerile cu care vin:

Here - Here - Here

For more beautiful dresses for this lovely event you can check out Tidebuy where you can find inexpensive mother of the bride dresses

Mai multe rochii pentru acest minunat eveniment gasiti pe Tidebuy

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***