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Hoodie season!



I do feel that I wrote this in a previous post, but I am going to mention it once again since it is kind of related to the subject of today's post :)) A big part of my adolescence I hated wearing hats, I do still have a problem with them (I get all kind of itches), bur I do like wearing them a lot more now. When the cold season was in full force I always had the same conversation with my parents when I wanted to go outside.
My parents: Don't forget to wear a hat because it is windy/raining/snowing outside.
Me: Don't worry I will put on my hood!
(does this conversation sound familiar to you?)

Presimt ca am mai scris asta, dar am sa mai mentionez o data ca are legatura cu subiectul de astazi :)) O mare parte de adolescentei mele am dispretuit caciulile, bine si acum am o problema cu ele (ma apuca toate mancarimile cand le port) desi imi plac mult mai mult decat atunci, dar inca mai avem neintelegeri. Cand venea sezonul rece cam asta era discutia pe care o aveam cu ai mei cand ieseam din casa.
Ai mei parinti: - Nu uita sa iti iei si o caciula ca bate vantul/ploua/ninge.
Eu: Nu-mi iau ca-mi pun gluga!
(va suna cunoscut? :D)'

The hood is good in almost all situations, except if it's raining cats and dogs, but sometimes not even an umbrella can handle that kind of rain, the hood keeps your head nice and warm. For example if it's one thing that annoys me the most now that I have grown is my head freezing when it is cold outside. If i the fall time I am not wearing a hat because it is not that cold outside, if it's really windy I am definitely wearing a hoodie , they are super comfortable, the keep me warm and I find them to be very stylish if you are not afraid to wear them in different combinations :D

Gluga-i buna la aproape orice, mai putin la ploile torentiale ca acolo s-ar putea ca nici umbrela sa nu iti mai fie de ajutor, dar iti tine atat capul cat si urechile la caldurica. Intre timp am mai imbatranit si daca e ceva ce ma enerveaza mai mult atunci cand e frig e sa-mi "inghete" capul. Si daca toamna nu port caciula atunci cu singuranta port un hanorac cu gluga, sunt confortabile, calduroase si nu se mai adreseaza neaparat doar persoanelor cu un stil vestimentar sportiv, mie una mi se par super stylish daca nu iti e frica sa ai un stil vestimetar mai diferit :D

For example I see them worn in a lot of combinations, with sneakers or with a pair of stilettos if you are feeling daring. Right now as I was writing this post I got an awesome idea that I hope to be able to show it to you soon, but until then let me show you some cute hoodies that I like, are surprised by the neon hoodie, are you?

Spre exemplu eu le vad purtate intr-o gramada de combinatii, atat cu tenesi cat si cu o pereche de pantofi cu toc daca sunteti mai indraznete. Ba chiar mi-a venit o idee acum cand scriam articolul acesta pe care sper sa o pun in practica cat mai curand (asta ca sa va si arat despre ce vorbesc), pana atunci insa va las cu cateva hanorace frumoase pe care le-am gasit, nu cred ca va surprinde hanoracul neon, nu-i asa? Haha :))

 Here - Here - Here

Here - Here - Here

You can find a great selection of cool hoodies on Tidebuy of If you want to find the perfect hoodie for you then check out the site: who knows what you'll find :)

Daca vreti sa gasiti hanoracul perfect pentru voi va invit sa vizitati site-ul: cine stie ce minunatie gasiti acolo :)

Do you like hoodies? Do you wear them?

Va plac hanoracele? Le purtati?

Have a great day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***