It seems like yesterday I was writing the post where I was letting you know that I am celebrating my second blogiversary, I remember editing the pictures in the editing program and how nervous I was. Today I am once again nervous and I don't think things will ever change, I don't know if I ever told you, I started this blog as a hobby and today this blog is part of my life, it is no longer a just a hobby, it's what I love to do. For me quality always mattered very much and I try to bring quality every day though my photos and my writing (I hope I managed that, as much as I could of course).
Parca ieri scriam postarea in care va anuntam ca blogul meu a implinit doi ani, imi amintesc si acum cum aranjam pozele in programul de editare si cu ce emotii scriam. Astazi scriu cu aceleasi emotii, nu cred ca o sa scap vreodata de ele, nu stiu daca am zis asta, blogul a fost la inceput un hobby, astazi e parte din viata mea, pentru mine calitatea a contat intodeauna extrem de mult si asta incerc sa aduc zi de zi, atat prin intermediul pozelor cat si prin intermediul scrisului (sper ca si reusesc sa fac asta, atat cat ma pricep bineinteles).
When you read my posts I wanted you to discover little by little the person behind the blog, I wanted to be me and I chose to write as I was talking to my friends or family, I can't be something else and I want to. I'm a positive and happy person (most of the time) and I wanted this to reflect here.
Am vrut ca atunci cand imi cititi postarile sa descoperiti putin cate putin omul din spatele blogului, sa fiu eu, si-am ales sa scriu in acelasi fel in care vorbesc cu prietenele sau stau la povesti cu familia pentru ca nu pot sa fiu altcineva si nici nu imi doresc asta. Sunt o persoana vesela si pozitiva (in marea parte a timpului) si-am vrut sa se reflecte asta si pe blog.
First and foremost I want to thank my amazing boyfriend for all the support, without his help and patience many beautiful posts you've seen would not have been possible, he's the person behind the camera most of the time and I am very thankful he chose to spend his free time photographing me instead of getting some rest or doing something that he wants to do, he's also the person who convinced me to start blogging three years ago! Thank you for everything you've done and do for me every day!
In primul si-n primul rand vreau sa-i multumesc prietenului meu pentru toata sustinerea acordata, fara ajutorul si rabdarea sa multe postari frumoase nu ar mai fi ajuns pe blog, el este in marea majoritate a cazurilor persoana din spatele camereinsi ii sunt foarte recunoscatoare ca din putinul lui timp liber imi acorda mie la sfarsitul saptamanii cateva minute, tot el este si persoana care m-a impins de la spate acum trei ani sa-mi deschid blogul! Iti multumesc enorm pentru tot ceea ce ai facut si faci pentru mine zi de zi!
Second of all I want to thank you, my readers, for every comment you left, for the fact that you are with me every single day and for the fact that you simply read my blog. Without you, without your support and your kind words this place would be an empty place, you are the ones that give this place life and you make it a warm and welcoming place, I'm the spark, you're the fire that maintains the flame! ♥
In al doilea rand vreau sa va multumesc voua, cititorilor mei, pentru fiecare comentariu lasat, pentru ca sunteti alaturi de mine, pentru ca ma cititi. Fara voi, fara sustinerea voastra si cuvintele frumoase pe care mi le scrieti la fiecare postare cu siguranta locul acesta ar fi unul pustiu, voi sunteti cei care dati viata acestui blog si-l faceti un loc cald si primitor, eu sunt doar scanteia, voi sunteti focul care intretine flacara! ♥
And last, but not least I want to thank all of my collaborators, thank you for believing in me, thank you for all of the opportunities you offered me and thank you for always supporting my collaboration ideas!
Si nu in ultimul rand vreau sa le multumesc tuturor colaboratorilor mei, va multumesc ca ati crezut in mine, va multumesc pentru toate oportunitatile oferite si va multumesc ca de fiecare data ati raspuns afirmativ ideilor mele!
It looks like I am giving an Oscar speech, right? Haha :)) Through this post I wanted to show my gratitude to each person who has been with me through this beautiful journey. I'm not going to win an Oscar in this life, but each day I receive evidence that I am not doing this in vain and for me these things are more important than any award.
Seamana putin a discurs de Oscar, nu? Haha :)) Am vrut prin intermediul acestui post sa-mi arat recunostinta fata de fiecare persoana care mi-a fost alaturi in acesti trei ani incredibil de frumosi, Oscar-ul n-am sa-l primesc in viata asta, dar in fiecare zi primesc mici dovezi ca ceea ce fac nu fac degeaba, iar pentru mine micile astea dovezi sunt mai importante decat orice premiu.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! :***
Va multumesc din suflet! :***