I am usually not attracted by out of the ordinary things, I am not brave in terms of fashion, but sometimes you just fall in love with a piece of clothing that you've never thought you are going to like and even if we assume you are going to like it you've never thought your are going to get it and wear it with that much love. Things like this rarely happens to me (like in never before now), I mean I see different pieces of beautiful clothing daily, some I admire and I also admire the people that are wearing them, some of them I would buy instantly and wear them and some I just don't like.
In general nu ma atrag lucrurile iesite din comun, nu sunt curajoasa in materie de fashion, dar cateodata fara sa vrei te indragostesti de o piesa de care nu credeai vreodata ca o sa iti placa si chiar daca sa presupunem prin absurd ca iti placea nu te-ai gandi ca o sa o indragesti si o sa o porti cu atat de mult drag. Rar mi se intampla lucrul asta (adca niciodata pana acum), adica vad zilnic piese vestimentare incredibil de frumoase, pe unele ma limitez sa le admir atat pe ele si pe cele care pe care le poarta, pe unele le-as cumpara in secunda doi si le-as purta fara nicio probleme si unele pur si simplu nu-mi plac.
Dress / Rochie: Front Row Shop (now on sale / aflata acum la reducere)
Earrings / Cercei: MOA;
Clutch: Front Row Shop.
The dress I am wearing today fits right in the first category I was telling you about in the first part of this post: clothing pieces I like to admire. I've seen it many, many times on the website, looked at the pictures, admired it and every time I did this I asked myself: you like it, but do you think it suits you? How are you going to wear it? Isn't it too different for your comfort zone? If you are going to get it and you won't like it, wouldn't it be a pity? And that's how I discouraged every time, until I said to myself: you HAVE to get it! And now I have it and I love it, omg I can't find enough words to describe how much I love it. It is perfect for the weather we are having now, I love the way the materials feel, the quality of this dress is amazing. I decided to wear it with my animal print sneakers and my faux crocodile clutch (see what I did there, animal print sneakers, crocodile clutch? :D) and I've also added a pair o gold earring and a little bit of neon pink in my hair haha :)) I know I said manys time before: this is my favourite outfit, but this is really is my favourite outfit at the moment :)
Rochia pe care o port astazi se incadra pana de curand in prima categorie despre care vorbeam mai sus: piese vestimentare la care ma limitez doar sa le admir. Am vazut-o de zeci de ori pe site, am vazut de zeci de ori pozele, am admirat-o si de fiecare data m-am intrebat: bun iti place, dar crezi ca o sa ti se potriveasca? Cum o sa o porti? Oare nu-i prea iesita din comun pentru tine? Daca o sa o iei si n-ai sa o porti, nu-i pacat de ea? Si asa m-am descurajat de fiecare data, pana cand mi-am zis: TREBUIE sa ai rochia asta! Na acum o am si-mi place atat de mult, vai, n-am suficiente cuvinte de lauda la adresa ei. E perfecta pentru vremea de acum, materiale din care e confectionata sunt tare placute si calitative. Am decis sa o port cu tenisii mei animal print si clutch-ul din imitatie de piele de crocodil (vedeti ce-am facut eu aici, animal print, piele de crocodil? :D) si-am adaugat si o pereche de cercei aurii si nitel neon la codita haha :)) Am mai declarat eu de-a lungul timpului tinute favorite, dar aceasta chiar este tinuta mea favorita in momentul acesta :)
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***