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Fashion 2sday: Masculine meets feminine!


Hello! ^_^

Today I don't really have my word with me that might be because it is almost midnight and my mind doesn't function as good as it does during the day, I'm thinking in slow motion haha :)) If yesterday I was telling you about pants and what types of pants I am planning to wear in the next period, in this transit period, from summer to fall boyfriend jeans are more than perfect, you're not cold, you're not hot and if they are ripped, then this is definitely the perfect combination for me.

Astazi n-am prea multe cuvinte la mine, probabil si din cauza faptului ca e aproape 12 noapte si la ora asta mintea mea nu mai functioneaza asa cum o face pe timp de zi, e mai inceata, gandesc in slow motion haha :)) Daca ieri va povesteam despre pantaloni si ce modele am de gand eu sa port in urmtoare perioada, in perioada asta de tranzit asa cum imi place mie sa o numesc, de la vara la toamna, blugii boyfriend sunt mai mult decat perfecti, nu iti e cald, dar nici nu iti este frig in ei si daca mai au si rupturi, pai atunci pentru mine asta e cu siguranta combinatia perfecta.

Earrings / Cercei: MOA;
Shirt / Camasa: No Name;
Boyfriend Jeans / Blugi: Pull & Bear via Kurtmann (masurile 36 si 38 inca disponibile)
Bag / Geanta: No Name;
Shoes / Pantofi: Milanoo. (available in bigger sizes / disponibili si-n marimi mai mari)

I stay away from white, I stay away from white because I am super clumsy, white + clumsy do not go together :)) Today I felt like wearing an outfit where I combine two different styles, the feminine meets the masculine and by masculine I am not referring to my white boyfriend jeans I am actually wearing my boyfriends shirt and I loved this shirt so much that I wore it with other outfits too haha :))) Of course I could've gone with a pair of sneakers, but I wanted something different so I wore a pair of brown and metallic gold stilettos with a medium heel so I can comfortably walk long distance, I still want to feel my feet at the end of the day :D Aren't they pretty cool?

Ma feresc de alb, ma feresc de alb pentru ca sunt mega neindemanatica si albul + neindemanarea nu fac casa buna :)) Astazi am avut chef de o tinuta in care am combinat doua stiluri, si anume cel feminin cu cel masculin si prin masculin nu ma refer la blugii boyfriend de asemenea inspiratie ci la faptul ca am luat la purtare camasa prietenului meu si mi-a placut atat de mult incat am mai purtat-o apoi si la alte tinute haha :)) Bineinteles ca puteam sa optez pentru o pereche de tenisi, dar am vrut ceva diferit asa ca am optat pentru o pereche de pantofi cu varful auriu metalic si bineinteles cu un toc mediu ca sa ma pot deplasa linstita si sa-mi mai simt picioarele cand ajung acasa :D Nu-in asa ca sunt superbi?

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***