Yes, I know I've skipped some My Week In photos posts, buuut I have a very good combination of excuses for this, being tired + change of lifestyle + new responsibilities. I needed a period of adjustment, I was lucky it was a short one and I don't think you've noticed that I had a lot more things going on, I was a little bit worried at first that I couldn't manage to do everything the way I wanted to do them, but I think now I got good at this :) I wanted to show you all the photos I had, but I thought that it was going to be a loooong post so I just added the ones from the week that just flew by.
Nu ne-am mai citit de mult la Saptamana in Imagini si am o combinatie de scuze foarte buna pentru asta, oboseala + schimbarea stilului de viata + noi responsabilitati. Am avut nevoie de o perioada de acomodare, noroc insa ca nu a durat prea mult si cred ca nici nu s-a observat ca jonglez cu mai multe lucruri de odata, mi-am facut griji la inceput ca nu voi reusi sa le fac pe toate, dar acum totul mi se pare floare la ureche :) Am vrut sa combin toate pozele pe care le am, dar m-am gandit ca o sa scriu un roman, asa ca in postarea de astazi veti vedea doar cu ce mi-am mai ocupat timpul in ultima saptamana.
I got home around 6 pm and started making some pizza, it was Master Chef night, they go well together, don't they? :)) And after that I ate some "homemade" cookies from a local hypermarket :D Andreea recommend them to me, they are sooo, sooo yummy! ♥
Am ajuns acasa undeva pe la orqa 18:00 si m-am apucat de facut pizza, pai era seara de Master Chef, se potriveste combinatia, nu-i asa? :)) Si-apoi am mancat si niste biscuiti "homemade" din Kaufland :D I-am vazut in postarea Andreei si n-am mai avut somn pana nu i-am incercat si eu, isi merita toti banutii (4 lei), super, super buni ♥
Tuesday / Marți
On Tuesday my order from Kurtmann has arrived, I was a little bit nervous about one of the products I ordered, but everything is OK, I can't wait to wear the clothes and show them to you :) And the smallest tomato I've ever seen, super random, super sweet :D
Marti mi-am primit comanda de la Kurtmann, am avut din nou emotii cu unul dintre produse, dar din fericire totul a fost ok :D De-abia astept sa port si sa va arat ce mi-am comandat :) Si cea mai mica rosie pe care m vazut-o, foarte dulce si gustoasa :D
Wednesday / Miercuri
On Wednesday we went to see a movie, we chose to see The Maze Runner, I liked it a lot, my boyfriend was not that impressed, but he said it was pretty interesting :D
Miercuri am fost sa vizionam un film, am ales The Maze Runner, mie mi-a placut tare mult, prietenul meu n-a fost foarte impresionat, dar a zis ca e destul de interesant :D
On Wednesday we went to see a movie, we chose to see The Maze Runner, I liked it a lot, my boyfriend was not that impressed, but he said it was pretty interesting :D
Miercuri am fost sa vizionam un film, am ales The Maze Runner, mie mi-a placut tare mult, prietenul meu n-a fost foarte impresionat, dar a zis ca e destul de interesant :D
Thursday / Joi
Thursday was a pretty stressful day and that's because I stressed about a photo shoot I had later in the day :/ Unfortunately it didn't turn out as I wanted to, it got dark pretty fast and I didn't have time to anything else. We redid it on Saturday and you are going to see it tomorrow :)
Joi a fost o zi stresanta, asta pentru ca m-am stresat eu cu o sedinta foto :/ Din pacate nu a iesit asa cum mi-am dorit, s-a inserat repede si n-am mai avut timp sa fac schimbari. Am refacut-o in week-end, iar maine o sa vedeti pe blog :)
Thursday was a pretty stressful day and that's because I stressed about a photo shoot I had later in the day :/ Unfortunately it didn't turn out as I wanted to, it got dark pretty fast and I didn't have time to anything else. We redid it on Saturday and you are going to see it tomorrow :)
Joi a fost o zi stresanta, asta pentru ca m-am stresat eu cu o sedinta foto :/ Din pacate nu a iesit asa cum mi-am dorit, s-a inserat repede si n-am mai avut timp sa fac schimbari. Am refacut-o in week-end, iar maine o sa vedeti pe blog :)
Friday / Vineri
I could have slept all day, but there's no time for that :D I got home around 5, organized our closet and watched a Romanian singing show, one of my favourite shows :)
Vineri as fi dormit toata ziua, dar nu e timp pentru asa ceva :D Am ajuns acasa undeva dupa ora 17, am facut ordine in sifonier si m-am uitat la Vocea Romanie, una dintre emisiunile mele preferate :)
I could have slept all day, but there's no time for that :D I got home around 5, organized our closet and watched a Romanian singing show, one of my favourite shows :)
Vineri as fi dormit toata ziua, dar nu e timp pentru asa ceva :D Am ajuns acasa undeva dupa ora 17, am facut ordine in sifonier si m-am uitat la Vocea Romanie, una dintre emisiunile mele preferate :)
Saturday / Sâmbătă
I've celebrated 3 years of blogging I am so proud of what I've accomplished so far ♥ I am starting my fourth year with great ideas and full of hope :D You'll see what I am taking about :)
Am sarbatorit 3 ani de blogging, sunt atat de mandra de tot ceea ce am realizat pana acum ♥ Pasesc in al patrulea plina de speranta si cu multe idei grozave :D Veti vedea :)
I've celebrated 3 years of blogging I am so proud of what I've accomplished so far ♥ I am starting my fourth year with great ideas and full of hope :D You'll see what I am taking about :)
Am sarbatorit 3 ani de blogging, sunt atat de mandra de tot ceea ce am realizat pana acum ♥ Pasesc in al patrulea plina de speranta si cu multe idei grozave :D Veti vedea :)
Sunday / Duminică
I ended the week in a not so happy note, I managed to get a cold so I spent my Sunday at home in bed next to hot teas, medicine and tissues :/ I could eat a lot, but I did enjoy my fruits, now that pears are in season I am going to eat a lot of them (this pear looks like a potato doesn't it? :D)
Oooof am incheiat saptamana tare prost, am reusit sa racesc, asa ca duminica mi-am petrecut-o in pat cu ceaiul, medicamentele si servetele langa mine :/ N-am prea resusit sa mananc mare lucru in shimb m-am bucurat de fructe, acum ca perele sunt in sezon n-am cum sa le ratez (arata ca un cartof, nu-i asa? :D)
How was your week? :D
Cum a fost saptamana voastra? :D
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***
I ended the week in a not so happy note, I managed to get a cold so I spent my Sunday at home in bed next to hot teas, medicine and tissues :/ I could eat a lot, but I did enjoy my fruits, now that pears are in season I am going to eat a lot of them (this pear looks like a potato doesn't it? :D)
Oooof am incheiat saptamana tare prost, am reusit sa racesc, asa ca duminica mi-am petrecut-o in pat cu ceaiul, medicamentele si servetele langa mine :/ N-am prea resusit sa mananc mare lucru in shimb m-am bucurat de fructe, acum ca perele sunt in sezon n-am cum sa le ratez (arata ca un cartof, nu-i asa? :D)
How was your week? :D
Cum a fost saptamana voastra? :D
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***