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Fashion Friday: Lady in Red!


Hola! ^_^

Well I really didn't expect this to happen, me wearing red and loving it :D I mean yeah I love my red lipsticks and I like to paint my nails red, but when it comes to wearing the color, oh well...I never felt it's a color that I'll like and look good one me. I knew what color the dress will be, heck I am the one who chose it and purchased it, but the shock when I saw it was big, there was a whole lot of red haha :)) Impressions after wearing it? I think I want more red in my wardrobe!

Ei hai ca la asta nu ma asteptam, eu sa port rosu si sa-mi placa :D Adica da, port ruj rosu si-mi place la nebunie sa-mi pictez unghiile in culoarea asta, dar cand vine vorba despre piese vestimentare rosii intotdeauna am simtit ca nu mi se potrivesc. Stiam ce culoare are rochia ca doar eu cu mouse-ul meu am adaugat-o in cosul de cumparaturi si am finalizat comanda, dar socul a fost mare cand am vazut-o in fata ochilor, o mare de rosu haha :)) Impresii dupa prima purtare? Cred ca de acum inainte n-am sa mai evit culoarea asta!

leather jacket and red dress

leather jacket and red dress

short red dress
Jacket / Geaca: Persunmall;
Dress / Rochie: Blackfive (available in other colors / disponibila in mai multe culori);
Earrings / Cercei: MOA;
Heels / Pantofi: Deichmann.

short red dress
 I felt a little bit too good and like a diva in this dress haha :)) Even though it is a pretty simple dress, I loved the design, I don't know if you remember, but I once mentioned that I really like off the shoulder dresses/backless dresses so this dress really fits my preferences. I decided to wear it in an edgier way so I've thrown on my leather jacket for somewhat though look. Of course it wouldn't be me if I wouldn't have any gold details, so I added my gold earrings and the jacket also has gold zippers. I welcome you red in my wardrobe!

M-am simtit nitel cam bine si nitel cam diva purtand rochia asta haha :)) Desi este o rochie destul de simpla, mi-a placut tare mult modelul, v-am spus cu ceva timp in urma ca atunci cand vine vorba despre rochii imi plac tare mult cele cu umerii goi/spatele gol, asa ca rochia asta se incadreaza foarte bine in cerintele mele. Am ales sa o port intr-o combinatie mai indrazneata, si-am aruncat pe mine o geaca de piele (astazi a fost racoare nu gluma) pentru un aer mai dur. Bineinteles ca nu eram eu fara detaliile aurii ce se regasesc in cercei si fermoarele de la geaca. Cu ocazia asta zic: bine ai venit rosule in graderoba mea :D

short red dress

short red dress

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***