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It is all about the pants!


Heya! :D

With the arrival of fall I am saying goodbye to my shorts, skirts and dresses, I do still wear some of them (except the shorts), but just not that often, pants are the thing for me (long pants I mean of course). I've always preferred pants, I feel very comfortable in them, I don't have to worry about anything (wind - skirts - dresses = aaaaah :D) and I love wearing them. When I was a kid I always liked wearing pants, I was a tomboy, I was climbing trees, looking for treasures under staircases (where was dirt and stuff) or I was in the park playing all day long and I had to be able to move freely :D This transit period we are at right now, from summer to autumn really confuses me and I find it very hard to adapt to it, in the morning/evening it gets pretty chilly, but in the afternoon it is super hot and I must admit that sometimes I did not dress appropriate for the weather we were having and regretted that, because like I said it was pretty hot:))

Odata cu venirea toamnei incep sa-mi iau la revedere de la pantalonii scurti, fustite si rochite, le mai port si pe ele, dar mai rar, pantalonii sunt baza (la cei lungi ma refer, bineinteles). Intotdeauna am preferat pantalonii, ma simt mai comod in ei, nu-mi fac griji atunci cand ii port (vant -fuste - rochii = aaaaah:D) si-mi face placere sa-i port. Nu-mi aduc aminte in copilarie sa-mi fi petrecut prea mult timp in rochite si fustite pentru ca afara trebuia sa ma catar in copaci, cautam comori pe sub scara blocului sau imi petreceam mare parte a zilei in parc, trebuia sa ma misc in voie, recunosc, am fost destul de baietoasa ^_^ Perioada asta in care ne aflam acum mi se pare extrem de ciudata si cu greu reusesc sa ma adaptez la ea, dimineata/seara frig, la pranz incredibil de cald, sunt dezorientata total si recunosc c-am cam murit de cald pentru ca am vrut sa fortez venirea toamnei si m-am imbracat mai gros :))

As I grew older my taste in pants has changed, for example there was a period in my life where I would only wear skinny jeans, all of the other models where pretty much nonexistent for me, but now everything has changed, I like almost every model there is out there haha :)) This fall I am planning to wear: skinny jeans, ripped jeans,  boyfriend jeans, flared jeans, pallazo pants (if the weather is nice), leather pants and last but not least cigarette pants, did I miss something? Haha :D

A fost o perioada in care nu ieseam din skinny jeans, nu exista pentru mine un alt model de blug, acum...ei bine acum, cred ca imi plac marea majoritate a modelelor haha :)) Spre exemplu toamna asta am de gand sa port: skinny jeans, blugi cu rupturi, blugi evazati, pantaloni pallazo (cat imi permite vremea), pantaloni de piele, pantaloni tigareta si nu in ultimul rand blugi boyfriend, am ratat ceva? Haha :D

All of the pants that I've showed you in this blog post (and many, many more) can be found here on Tidebuy website: Now tell me, what are you going to wear this fall? ^_^

Toti pantalonii pe care vi i-am prezentat astazi (si multi, multi altii) puteti sa ii gasiti pe site-ul Tidebuy Acum ia spuneti-mi, voi ce o sa purtati toamna aceasta? ^_^

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***