Hey :D
Didn't you miss my face cream reviews? :D There are products that I wait patiently to open and there are products that I anxiously open right after I get it/receive it even though I do have 2-3 products that are meant for the same thing opened, in this case, products that hydrate and take care of your skin. The product I am going to review today is part of fairly new range from Yves Rocher named ANTI-AGE GLOBAL. In this range you can also find besides the Complete Anti-Aging Day Care for Dry Skin, Complete Anti-Aging Day Care, Complete Anti-aging Eye Care, Complete Anti-aging Night Care, Complete Anti-Aging Serum.
Nu-i asa ca va era dor sa va povestesc despre o alta crema? :D Sunt produse pe care am rabdare sa astept sa le folosesc si produse pe care le desfac cu nerabdare chiar din prima clipa chiar daca in acelasi timp mai am doua sau trei care servesc aceluiasi scop, cum ar fi in cazul de fata, hidratarea si ingrijirea tenului. Produsul despre care o sa vorbim astazi face parte dintr-o gama recenta lansata de Yves Rocher si anume ANTI-AGE GLOBAL. Pe langa Crema fundamentala de zi cu FPS20, gama mai cuprinde: ser fundamental anti-imbatranire, crema fundametala de zi pentru ten uscat, crema fundamentala de zi (fara FPS), crema fundamentala de noapte si crema fundamenatala pentru ochi.
Name / Denumire: Yves Rocher ANTI-AGE GLOBAL Creme Fondanmentale Jour SPF20; ***
Where can I buy it from? / De unde îl pot achiziţiona?: From the Yves Rocher brochure / Din catalogul sau de pe ste-ul Yves Rocher
Price? / Ce preţ are?: $32.50 (from $59) / 140 lei;
Amount / Cantitate: 50ml.
I really like the packaging, it has a clean and elegant design (without too many colors or drawings). The cream comes packaged in a cardboard box where we can read various information and we can also find the ingredients list. The packaging it is made out of a very soft plastic, but that won't cause you problems when you want to get the cream out.
Imi place extrem de mult ambalajul produsului, are un design curat (si aici ma refer la: fara prea multe curlori sau desene) si elegant. Crema vine ambalata intr-o cutiuta de carton asemanatoare cu recipientul produsului pe care gasim diverse informatii cat si ingredientele produsului. Recipientul este reliazat dintr-un plastic foarte maleabil, dar nu va face problema atunci cand vreti sa dozati crema.
The cream has an airy, but at the same time thick consistency (I hope you understand what I am trying to say and you can also see form the picture above), it reminds me of the Peter Thomas Roth - Ultra-Lite Oil Free Sunblock, it is not oily, it is not sticky, it absorbs quickly after you rub it in (you can see a white cast as you apply it in, but is disappears in a few seconds) and it has a pleasant smell (a little bit too strong for my sensitive nose), earthy smell. It has an SPF of 20, but we are advise on the back of the packaging to nu use it as a sunblock (I used it when I was in vacation, and nothing happened to me ,but that doesn't mean that something won't happen to you, so don't risk it just because nothing happened to me). Because it has a thick consistency I feel like I always have to apply more, so I think I will finish it pretty quickly. Regarding the wrinkle smoothing, I can't say that I've seen an improvement, I don't have that many yet and I don't know if a face cream can make such a big difference, but I can't talk about the subject as I don't know a lot of things regarding it.
Crema are o consistenta aerata, dar in acelasi timp densa (sper ca intelegeti la ce m-am referit si va puteti da seama si din poza), imi aduce aminte de crema cu FPS de la Peter Thomas Roth - Ultra-Lite Oil Free Sunblock, nu este unsuroasa, nu este lipicioasa, intra imediat de la aplicare in piele (se observa insa o pelicula in momentul in care o intindeti) si are un miros placut (putin cam puternic pentru nasul meu) de plante. Are FPS20, dar suntem informati pe amabalaj sa nu o folosim ca o crema de plaja (eu am folosit-o la mare si n-am avut probleme, insa nu faceti ca mine, eu o fac pe propria piele). Avand o asemena consistenta simt nevoia sa aplic mai mult produs si tocmai de aceea simt ca as consuma-o mai repede. In ceea ce priveste netezirea ridurilor n-am observat schimbari, bine, nici nu am foarte multe si nici nu stiu daca o crema le poate netezi atat de mult inca sa fie o schimbare foarte vizibila, nu sunt atat de informata in ceea ce priveste acest subiect, asa ca nu ma pot pronuta 100%.
Have you tried any of the products from the ANTI-AGE GLOBAL range? What do you think about it?
Ati incercat vreun produs din gama ANTI-AGE GLOBAL? Ce parere aveti despre el?
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***