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Empties: July & August


Hello! :D

I am really proud of me this time :D I told you I am really gonna start using up everything I have, it is harder to do so when you always get the big bottles or containers like the: Cien Shampoo or the Byphasse Micellar Solution ones :) Now that I've used all these products up I finally replaced them with new products, some of them whom I never tried before, that's because I don't want to get bored using the same products over and over again and I also don't want to bore you showing you exactly the same thing every time. So let me tell you a few words about these products :D

Hai c-a mai crescut nitel gramajoara de produse :D V-am zis eu ca m-am pus serios pe treaba, mai greu e cand ai de consumat cantitati industriale dintr-un produs cum ar fi de exemplu: samponul de la Cien sau solutia micelara de la Byphasse :) Cu ocazia consumarii acestor produse, altele noi le-au luat locul, am zis ca e necesar sa le mai schimb, ca sa nu ma plictisesc eu de ele si ca sa nu va plictisesc nici pe voi cu aceleasi produse de fiecare data. Acum haideti sa va povestesc pe scurt despre cele consumate :D


  •  Byphasse Micellar Solution -  Tried it, used it, used it all up, liked it, but I didn't repurchase it, I repurchased the Garnier one. You can read about it here: Byphasse Micellar Solution Review;
  • Yves Rocher Serum Vegetal3 Wrinkle & Radiance - It's not ok product, nothing special about it. I didn't see any results while using it, but it did keep my under eye area hydrated and it didn't irritate it;
  • Gerovital Gel Spumant Purifiant - I liked it a lot, but I took a break from it :)) You 
  • La Roche-Posay Toleriane Teint Hydrating Water Cream Foundation - at first I didn't really like it, I hated the fact that it has alcohol in its composition, but it photographs amazing (I used it in many of my makeup tutorials on the blog). I wrote about it here: Review. I would purchase the full-size if they would get rid of the alcohol;
  • Caudalie Vinoperfect Broad Spectrum SPF15 Day Perfecting Fluid - It's a small sample I have received this at the pharmacy, I have not checked the ingredients so I can't talk about them, but I really liked it's consistency, fluif like, but hydrating. I did not like the smell, really strong, it gives me headaches;
  • Iseree Cotton Pads x2 - They are soft, sewn and cheap, what more can I ask?.

  •  Solutia micelara Byphasse - incercat, folosit, consumat, mi-a placut, dar n-am recumparat-o, am recumparat-o in schimb pe cea de la Garnier. Puteti sa cititi mai multe despre ea aici: Byphasse Micellar Solution Review;
  • Yves Rocher Serum Vegetal3 Wrinkle & Radiance - E genul de produs ok, dar care nu te da pe spate, nu iese cu absolut nimic in evidenta. Nu am vazut rezultate, dar mi-a hidratat zona ochilor si nu mi-a cauzat iritatii.
  • Gerovital Gel Spumant Purifiant - Ne-am placut, dar ne-am despartit pentru o perioada haha :)) 
  • La Roche-Posay Toleriane Teint Hydrating Water Cream Foundation - la inceput nu ne-am prea inteles, nu mi-a placut absolut deloc alcoolul din compozitie, daaar se fotografia absolut superb, l-am folosit in marea majoritate a machiajelor pe care le-am realizat pe blog ai am scris despre el aici: Review. Daca ar indeparta alcoolul cu singuranta l-as recumpara;
  • Caudalie Vinoperfect Broad Spectrum SPF15 Day Perfecting Fluid - e o mostra pe care am primit-o cred ca de la farmacie, nu i-am verificat ingredientele deci nu stiu sa va spun nimic despre el, dar mi-a placut tare mult consistenta lui, usor, dar in acelasi timp hidratant. Mirosul a fost un minus, destul de puternic, daca-l miros mult mai apuca durerea de cap;
  • Iseree Cotton Pads x2 - dischetele demachiante de la Lidl, sunt moi, sunt cusute si sunt ieftine, ce altceva as putea sa mai cer? :D

  • Cien Shampoo for Daily Use Papaya and Peach - It's a good shampoo, not exceptional, it's delicate with the scalp and the hair, smells lovely, ginormous bottle for a very affordable price;
  • Kallos 3in1 Top Coat - I can't even remember how many bottles I used up until now, it gives a nice shine, but it doesn't prolong the life of the nail polish, it starts to thicken when you use about half of it; 
  • Oriflame Lady Vintage - I had this perfume for ages, I don't know why it took me so much to use it up (I had about 10 puffs in it and I also didn't like the smell that much), I don't think you can find it anymore, the smell didn't last that long, I didn't find it to be that special;
  • Yves Rocher Exfoliating Shower Gel Organic Raspberry - love the smell, it wasn't very hydrating (I do have dry skin so I do have to apply a lotion/body butter after I bathe/shower). the exfoliating particles weren't too rough with the skin, but I felt the need to still use a body scrub.

    • Cien Shampoo for Daily Use Papaya and Peach - E un sampon bun, nu exceptional, dar bun, mi-a curatat delicat scalpul/parul, miroase bine, cantitate imensa si pret super mic, de incercat!;
    • Kallos 3in1 Top Coat - cred ca ma folosit zeci de sticlute pana acum, e destul de lucios, insa nu mi se pare ca prelungeste viata ojei, undeva pe la jumatate incepe sa se ingroase;
    • Oriflame Lady Vintage - Am parfumul asta cred ca de o vesnicie, nu stiu de ce mi-a fost teama sa-l consum (mai aveam 10 pufuri in el si nici nu-mi placea atat de mult mirosul lui), nu cred ca mai exista in catalog, rezista destul pe putin, nu mi s-a parut nimic special la el.
    • Yves Rocher Exfoliating Shower Gel Organic Raspberry  - miroase absolut delicios, nu mi s-a parut ca a excelat la capitolul hidtratare (bine, eu am pielea destul de uscata si oricum trebuie sa folosesc o lotiune/unt de corp de fiecare data), particulele exfoliante nu zgarie pielea, dar nu am simtit ca poate tine locul unui exfoliant.
    What products have you used up lately?

    Voi ce produse ati mai consumat in ultima perioada?

    Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

    Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***