Hey! :D
For me situations have always been either white (the good ones) or black (the unpleasant ones) and I think most of you see them that way too. I recently started seeing the unpleasant ones grey (even though I do like black a lot haha) because from every unpleasant situation or misfortune you learn something so that for me is the good part. And speaking of non colors and shades, today I am almost entirely grey because grey is one of my favourite colors (in all its shades), for the picture to be complete I added a pop of color that I recently started to like a lot, red :)
Intotdeauna am vazut situatiile in doua feluri: albe atunci cand a fost de bine si negre atunci cand a fost de rau si asa banuiesc ca le vad si marea majoritate dintre voi. Recent mi-am propus, desi imi place negrul haha, sa incerc sa vad situatiile si gri, pentru ca din orice situatie neplacuta sau intamplare nefericita ai ceva de invatat si atunci consider ca asta e partea buna. Si daca tot vorbim de nonculori si nuante, astazi sunt eu in mare parte gri, pentru ca griul este una dintre culorile mele preferate (in toate nuantele lui), pentru ca tabloul sa fie perfect am considerat ca-i nevoie si de-un stop de culoare si-am ales o culoare pe care recent am inceput sa o indragesc si anume rosu :)
Hat: Choies;
Sweater: No Name;
Jeans: Kiabi;
Shoes: Tidebuy shoes (find them here) ;
Bag: Zara.
How could an animal print lover not own a pair of animal print stilettos? How? That's not possible! A beautiful, super comfy (the low heel make them perfect for long walks), really well made pair of stilettos. And why not wear the shoes with an animal print sweater? :D There's a funny story behind my ripped jeans, at first they only had some small cuts, but one day I was in a hurry and I ripped the jeans in the knee with my big toe haha :D, I tried to sew them, but it didn't last that long and so I decided to wear them like this :)) I can't wait for the weather to cool off a little bit so I can wear my hat again, I missed it a lot!
Da, da, da, cum sa n-aiba o iubitoare de animal print o pereche de pantofi animal print? Cum? Nu-i posibil asa ceva! Frumosi, super comozi (tocul mic ii face perfecti pentru plimbari mai lungi) si foarte frumos lucrati. Si daca tot am o asemenea pereche de ce sa nu-i port eu cu un pulover cu acelasi print? Pantalonii au o poveste tare haioasa, la inceput au fost cu niste mici zgarieturi cusute si intr-o zi imbracandu-ma in viteza am reusit sa-i rup in genunchi (cu degetul mare de la picior haha :D), am incercat sa ii cos, dar n-au stat cusuti asa ca am hotarat sa ii port asa :)) De-abia astept sa se racoreasca afara sa-mi port mai des basca pentru ca tare dor imi mai era de ea!
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***