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For a beautiful bedroom: 3D Bedding!


tidebuy 3d bedding

Hello! :)

Nothing compares with the moment when you get home super tired and you go straight to bed, the comfort degree of a bed is in the mattress of course and then in the sheets. Sheets not only make my rest and sleep better (if you ever tried the super low quality ones, then you know what I'm talking about), but they also add color to the room and contribute to the decor. Even though I have not invested in some new ones lately (I always to do something else with the money and as you know they are pretty expensive) I do have a passion for them, I like to admire them and imagine how they will look on our new bed in our future house :) It seems that I am not up to date with the types of sheets you can find because I had no idea 3D bedding exists until a few days ago.

Nimic nu se compara cu momentul acela in care ne intoarcem super obositi acasa si ne arucam direct in pat, gradul de comfort al unui pat din punctul meu de vedere sta bineinteles in saltea si apoi in asternuturi. Asternuturile nu numai ca-mi fac odihna mai placuta si somnul mai bun (daca ati incercat vreodata asternuturi mega sintetice cred ca stiti despre ce vorbesc), dar dau un plus de culoare camerei contribunind si la decor. Desi recunosc ca n-am mai investit de mult in asternuturi (tot timpul se ivesc alte cheltuieli si dupa cum bine stiti niste asternuturi de calitate nu sunt tocmai ieftine) am o adevarata pasiune de a le admira si de-a imi imagina ce asternuturi frumoase o sa aiba urmatorul nostru pat in noua casuta :) Se pare insa ca nu sunt chair atat de pusa la curent cu noutatile in materie de asternuturi pentru ca recent am aflat ca au aparut cele 3D.

Am I the only one that didn't know that? Because let me tell you I am pretty impressed with what I've seen so far, floral bedding - which is absolutely beautiful, it makes me think of wooden bedrooms, the types you've seen in the mountain cabins. And you can find other themed bedding, like the one from the first picture below that has a sea theme, you wouldn't miss the sea and sand that much if you would have this bedding right? You could also imagine you are getting a the light-bulb haha :)) Joke aside, I looked at some lovely bedding and I'm sure you are going to agree with me when you'll see them.

Sunt singura oare care nu stia de existenta acestor asternuturi? Pentru ca dati-mi voie sa va spun ca sunt destul de impresionata de ce-am vazut, imprimeuri florare absolut superbe care ma duc cu gandul la dormitoare de lemn stiti voi in genul celor pe care le intalnim in cabanele de la munte sau asternuturi cu orice alta tema cum ar fi spre exemplu cel care din prima poza care evident ne duce cu gandul la mare, in felul acesta privindu-l vi se mai duce putin dorul de plaja si nisip auriu, nu-i asa? Ne putem bronza direct la lumina becului :)) Lasand la o parte gluma, am gasit cateva asternuturi extrem de frumoase si sunt sigura ca o sa-mi dati dreptate dupa ce o sa priviti pozele de mai jos. 

tidebuy 3d bedding

tidebuy 3d bedding
HereHere - Here - Here

For even more 3D beddings you can go to the Tidebuy website (your destination for cheap 3D bedding), I'm curious, what's your favourite bedding? (it doesn't have to be one from the pictures I've showed you).

Pentru si mai multe asternuturi (si cand zic multe, ma refer la muuulte :D) va invit direct pe site:, sunt curioasa, ati vazut vreun asternut care sa placa? (nu neaparat dintre cele pe care vi le-am aratat eu).

Have a lovely week-end, many kisses :***

Va doresc oun week-end minunat, v-am pupat :***