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Favourites: September 2014


Hello! :D

Last year I managed to show you which are my favourite products every single month. I don't know if I tested less products this year or if I got a lot more picky with the products that I use, there were months where I kept using the same products because when you really like a product you don't feel like changing  it, but there were months when I really didn't have anything new to show you. This month things are different and there are some products that I have tried and liked that I want to talk about, so let's see what I have :)

Anul trecut am reusit performanta de a posta in fiecare luna preferatele lunii. Nu stiu daca anul acesta am testat mai putine produse sau am devenit mai pretentioasa in ceea ce priveste produsele pe care le folosesc, adevarul este ca am folosit lungi perioade de timp aceleasi produse pentru ca mi-au placut si cateodata cand iti place un anumit produs nu-ti mai vine sa-l schimbi, dar au fost luni in care pur si simplu nu am avut despre ce sa va povestesc. Luna aceasta insa situatia sta altfel, haideti sa va prezint produsele preferate ale acestei luni :)

  • Nivea Diamond Gloss Hairspray - I've recently purchase it, I don't like its smell it is very strong for my sensitive nose, but it works great for my soft hair, it holds my curls and it doesn't make my hair stiff, it also gives a little bit of shine;
  • Dove Damage Solutions Shampoo - I had to change my shampoo to realize how much I liked this one, it is gentle with my scalp and hair, I feel that my hair is clean, it gives volume, leaves the hair soft and shinny, it also smells amazing! I am at the second bottle right now :)

  •  Fixativ Nivea Diamond Gloss - l-am achizitionat de curand, nu-mi place mirosul, mult prea puternic si innecacios pentru gustul meu, dar produsul se descurca de minune cu parul meu moale, tine buclele, nu-mi intareste parul si ofera luciu;
  • Dove Damage Solutions Shampoo - a trebuit sa schimb samponul ca sa-mi dau seama cat de mult mi-a placut acesta, curata foarte bine parul, ofera volum, lasa parul moale si stralucitor, miroase foarte bine! Sunt deja la al doilea :)

  • Dove Body Milk Essential Nourishment for Dry Skin - I've recently received this product, but I started using it right away, it isn't oily, it absorbs quickly into the skin and most important it hydrates your skin. Regarding the smell, it's an OK smell, like the Original products smell;
  • Dove go fresh Revive Spray & Roll-On - I can't even remember when was the last time I've used a spray or a roll-on (I never liked roll-on deodorants, they took forever to dry and they felt sticky), for the last year and a half I used the gel version of Mennen Speedstick, these two products were a revelation for me :)) They smell amazing, the smell lasts all day, the roll-on dries quickly and it isn't sticky, I am really pleased with them, I am curios to see if that's how I fell about other similar products from Dove.
  • Avon Pure O2 - It was on sale, loved the smell (fresh-sweet, a clean smell) so I decided to get it. The smell doesn't last all day, I didn't expect that to happen, but I'm very glad with my purchase;
  • Eveline 8in1 Total Action - this product saved my nails twice, the second time was after I had fake nails, took them off and my nails were super thin, brittle, they kept exfoliating and broke easily. After two weeks (I followed the instructions) my nails were strong, shiny, they don't break nor exfoliate, this is one of my HG products, I absolutely love it and highly recommend it if you have the same problems as I did!

  •  Dove Body Milk Essential Nourishment for Dry Skin - l-am primit recent, dar am inceput sa-l folosesc imediat, intra repede in piele, nu lasa pelicula uleioasa sau lipicioasa si cel mai important hidrateaza pielea. In ceea ce priveste mirosul, nu ma incanta extrem de mult, fiind din gama Original, are mirosul specific produselor Dove din aceasta gama.
  • Dove go fresh Revive Spray & Roll-On - nici nu-mi mai aduc aminte cand am folosit ultima data spray-uri sau roll-on-uri (cele din urma nu mi-au placut niciodata, se uscau greu si ramanea zona lipicioasa), in ultimul an si jumatate am folosit numai Mennen Speedstick varianta gel, dar aceste doua produse au fost ca o revelatie haha :)) Produsele din gama Revive miros extrem de bine, miros ce la mine s-a pastat intreaga zi, roll-on-ul se usuca foarte repede si nu este lipicios, ce mai, sunt foarte incantata de ele si voi mai incerca produse de acest gen de la Dove, sunt curioasa daca ne vom intelege la fel de bine :)
  • Avon Pure O2 - L-am gasit la reducere, mi-a placut cum miroase (un miros fresh-dulceag, cum imi place sa zic eu: miroase a curat), nu il mai simt insa dupa cateva ore, dar nici nu ma asteptam sa miroasa toata ziua.
  • Eveline 8in1 Total Action - acest produs mi-a salvat unghiile de doua ori, ultima data dupa ce mi-am pus unghii false si aveam unghiile ca niste foite (am unghiile oricum super subtiri), erau fara luciu, mi se rupeau si exfoliau pana la jumatatea unghie, aratau horror. Dupa doua saptamani (am respectat instructiunile cu sfintenie), unghiile mi s-au intarit, sunt lucioase, nu mi se mai exfoliaza si nici nu se mai rup. Recomand din toata inima produsul acesta!

  • Yves Rocher Riche Creame - You have already seen this product in one of my previous favorites post (I totally forgot I have shown it), I am almost done with it, I liked it a lot except the smell, you can read about it here: Review;
  • MUA Lipstick Shade 2 - a wonderful lipstick for only 1 pound, I've used it almost every day this month;
  • e.l.f. essential Long-Wear Lipliner Natural Blush - I am now obsessed with lining my lips, I like to use it to correct the shape of my upper lip and I must admit that I like to make my lips look fuller, I never knew what a big difference a lip liner if it's correctly applied. I really like these e.l.f. lip liners, I want to get a red one;
  • Eyelash Curler -  I finally found a lash curler that does what it's supposed to do: curl your lashes. I got it from a local store, it was like $1.50, I am super pleased with it :)

  • Yves Rocher Riche Creame - Ati mai vazut-o la preferate in iunie (am uitat complet ca v-am aratat-o), mai am putin din ea, desi nu mi-a placut mirosul am fost tare multumita de ea, va invit sa cititi despre ea aici: Review;
  • MUA Lipstick Nuanta 2 - Nu-i prima data cand il vedeti, dar l-am folosit foarte des luna aceasta, pentru 1 lira este un ruj extrem de bun si rezistent; 
  • e.l.f. essential Long-Wear Lipliner Natural Blush - sunt obsedata mai nou de creioane de buze, imi place sa imi corectez forma buzei de sus cu ajutorul lor si recunosc imi place sa le fac sa para mai pline, pana sa incep sa le acord atentie nici nu stiam ce diferenta poate sa faca un creion de buze corect aplicat. sunt foarte multumita de cel de la e.l.f., urmeaza sa-mi achizitionez si unul rosu; 
  • Clestisor gene - Am gasit in sfarsit un clestiosor de gene care sa faca ceea ce trebuie: sa intoarca genele. L-am cumparat dintr-un magazin din Bucuresti - Hello Free Z One, cred ca m-a costat 4 lei, dar sunt super multumita de el :)

What were your favourite products this month? Have you discovered anything new? :D

Care au fost produsele voastre preferate luna aceasta? Ce ati mai descoperit nou? :D

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***