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Fashion 2sday: Paradox


Hello! :D

There are 5 degrees (Celsius) now outside and you can still see the snow in some places, I'm looking at these photos with envy because I want back the lovely weather we had just last week, it was that kind of fall weather where you could still enjoy a cup of coffee (to be more precise a Pumpkin Spiced Latte, not because it is THE latte of the moment, but just because I was curious about it, I think it is worth the hype now that I've tried it!) on a terrace, outside and not freeze to death like it is happening now :/ I still hope the weather will be kind with us, more so for the next photo shoots I am planning, I am definitely not ready for winter :/ 

La cele 5 grade care sunt acum afara si zapada care inca se mai afla pe ici si colo, ma uit cu jind la pozele de astazi cand puteam sa savurez fara sa inghet o cafea (a se traduce in Pumpkin Spide Latte, nu de fite, de curiozitate si culmea e foarte bun!) pe terasa, afara, si sa exclam: nu-mi vine sa cred ce toamna frumoasa si calduroasa avem! Inca mai sper la zile frumose, mai mult pentu viitoarele sedinte foto pentru ca inca nu sunt pregatita de iarna :/

Cardigan / Cardigan: MiniTake (you can find it HERE / il puteti gasi AICI)
Top / Bluza: MiniTake (you can find it HERE / il puteti gasi AICI)
Pants / Pantaloni: Stradivarius;
Boots / Bocanci: MOA;
Beanie / Caciula: C&A;
Bag / Geanta: JollyChic.

I am not broke yet and the necklace I am wearing it is not made out of gold, but I love wearing them together :) I am so happy that I now get to wear this beanie, it is my favourite beanie, I need more like it :D I can't even explain to you how comfortable I feel dressed in this outfit, t keeps me warm and it is fluffy, it is that kind of outfit you wear it on a lazy week-end day, where you want others to see that so you want to look put together, but with minimal effort :D If you don't own a long cardigan, then you need to get one asap, it is perfect for autumn, I barely wore something else after I got it, the weather forced unfortunately to change into a winter jacket :/ The shirt I find to be really interesting, short in the front, a little bit longer in the back, simple in the front and with a print on the back, I am talking about the tartan print which you know it was and still is in right now (if you want to get the shirt you must know that the sleeves are pretty short if you have long hands as I have, they're like three quarters haha :D)

Leftera inca nu-s si lantul de la gat nu-i de aur, dar ma distrez grozav purtandu-le impreuna, ambele imi plac tare mult :) De-abia asteptam sa vina vremea sa-mi port caciula preferata, mai am nevoie de cateva cu mesaje :D Nici nu pot sa explic cat de confortabil ma simt in tinuta aceasta, e calduroasa si pufoasa, mi se pare genul acela de tinuta pe care vrei sa o porti intr-o zi de week-end, in care ai chef de leneveala, dar nu vrei sa arati asta, vrei sa arati totusi ca esti pusa la punct fara prea mult efort :D Daca nu avet un astfel de cardigan lung, atunci va trebuie unul, e perfect pentru toamna, abia am mai iesit din el de cand a ajuns la mine, acum insa m-a fortat vremea :/ Bluza mi s-a parut tare interesanta, in fata putin mai scurta, in spate putin mai lunga si dupa cum se observa, o parte simpla una cu print, mai exact printul tartan care stiti foarte bine ca a fost si inca mai este in voga (de precizat: manecile sunt foarte scurte, daca aveti mainile lungi ca mine, o sa va vina trei sferturi haha :D)

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***



Hello! :D

I can't believe I didn't want to post these photos, not because of the outfit, obviously I love the outfit otherwise I wouldn't have worn it, but because I thought I wouldn't like how the photos turned out, I didn't have the best day that day and I thought I didn't do that good at posing, I have really HIGH expectations and being a perfectionist doesn't help either! How cute was I waiting for the tram? I'm kidding, no tram is going on that route for the moment, but I like the place :D

Nu-mi vine sa cred ca eram decisa sa nu pun pozele acestea pe blog, nu din cauza tinutei  care evident ca-mi place ca altfel nu o mai imbracam ci din cauza ca aveam o problema cu pozele, mi se parea ca n-am avut o zi buna atunci si ca rezultatul nu-i pe masura asteptarilor mele, asteptari care sunt MARI intotdeauna! Vedeti ce cuminitica asteptam eu tramvaiul? Glumesc evident, momentan pe acolo nu trece niciun tramvai, dar imi place locul :D

Jacket / Geaca: MiniTake (you can find it here / o puteti gasi aici)
Shirt / Bluza: Bershka via Kurtmann;
Pants / Pantaloni: Stradivarius via Kurtmann;
Bag / Geanta: Front Row Shop;
Shoes / Pantofi: Deichmann.

There's not much to say about this outfit, I am glad the weather is nice so that I can still wear all my autumn clothes, I am totally taking advantage of the beautiful weather :)) The jacket is new in my closet, if you think you've seen it somewhere then you are right, you've seen it at Zara, this I think is a really well made copy, the material is nice and the leather doesn't look cheap at all. The sleeves are a little bit too short, but that's because  have long hands, it is not that visible so it doesn't bother me that much, I always have problems with short sleeves :))

Nu sunt prea multe astazi de povestit despre tinuta, ma bucur ca vremea de afara ma lasa sa ma bucur in continuare de hainute cat de cat subtiri si profit la maxim de asta :)) Gecuta e o achizitie noua si a devenit rapid una dintre piesele pe care le indragesc foarte mult. Daca modelul va pare cunoscut este pentru ca este o copie Zara, foarte reusita insa, materialul este calitativ, pielea artificiala nu are aspect ieftin. Manecile imi sunt putin cam scurte, dar asta pentru ca am mainile putin mai lungi, insa nu-i ceva extrem de vizibil, asa mi se intampla cam la mai toate hainele :))

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Fashion Friday: Catch me if I fall!


Hello! :D

I am done with the summerish outfits, I said goodbye to all of my spring/summer clothing, they are now in my Ikea storage boxes under the bed :) I don't want another cold soon, I have too many things going on to have, I don't have time to be sick (ain't nobody got time for that haha :D). Today I am going to show you a new fall outfit, time is really not my friend now and I find it very hard to take photos, so that's why I can't keep up with my schedule, but I am going to find a way, I promise :)

Gata am terminat cu tinutele cu aer varatec, mi-am luat la revedere de la ele si le-am depozitat frumos in niste cutii mari de la Ikea care stau perfect sub pat :) Nu de alta dar tin la sanatatea mea si dupa ultima raceala nu vreau sa mai am de-a face cu asa ceva curand, am prea multe lucruri de facut ca sa mai am timp si sa fiu bolnava haha :D Astazi va prezint o noua tinuta care asteapta cam de multicel sa apara pe blog, din pacate n-am avut timp, dar tot ceea ce conteaza e ca astazi o puteti vedea :)

Hat / Basca: Choies;
Sweater / Pulover: Zara via Kurtmann;
Pants / Pantaloni: Stradivarius via Kurtmann;
Boots / Ghete: H&M;
Earrings / Cercei: MOA;
Bag / Geanta: JollyChic.

I am in love with oversized fluffy sweater and if has leather insertions, then they are totally my favourites. This sweater from Zara meets all the requirements I am looking for in a sweater, in my eyes it is absolutely perfect and I love the color, you know green is one of my favourite colors :) Today I decided to wear my green oversized sweater with a pair of black pants, they look like they are made from leather, but they're not, I've worn them before on other combinations, my favourite pair of boots from H&M and I felt that a hat would go great with this outfit so I decided to wear one :) Now my outfit really matched the weather outside!

Iubesc puloverele oversized, pufoase si daca mai au si insertii de piele atunci cu singuranta sunt preferatele mele. Puloverul acesta de la Zara intruneste toate caractersiticele care-l fac sa fie perfect pentru mine, de culoare nu mai zic nimic pentru ca stiti deja ca imi place tare mult verdele :) Astazi am decis sa port noul meu pulover oversized verde cu o pereche de pantaloni negri cerati, au aspect de piele dar nu sunt din piele, i-ati mai vazut pe blog purtati in alte combinatii, sunt unii dintre pantalonii mei preferati, ghetele de la H&M de care nu ma mai despart si-am simtit ca o sa se potriveasca de minune si mult indragita mea basca :) Acum chiar sunt in ton cu vremea de afara!

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Fashion 2sday: Rise & Shine!


Hey! :D

On Sunday I decided to see if I can beat the sun and see if my neon blazer can be brighter than it :D The sun made an a appearance for a short period of time even though they said it was going to be pretty hot and sunny outside so I decided that my blazer won ha :)) You've already seen it in another outfit, a more elegant outfit, this time I decided to wear it in a different combination :)

Duminica am decisa sa ma iau la intrecere cu soarele, care dintre noi reuseste sa fie fie mai orbitor, sacoul meu sau soarele? Soarele si-a facut timid aparitia asta desi anutau ca o sa fie 27 de grade asa ca am decis ca sacoul meu a castigat ha :)) De vazut l-ati mai vazut intr-o alta tinuta, putin mai eleganta as zice eu, asa ca astazi am decis sa-l port altfel :)

Earring /  Cercel: Front Row Shop;
Blazer: She Inside;
T-shirt / Tricou: Maddison SH;
Jeans / Blugi: Pull & Bear via Kurtmann;
Bag / Geanta: New Yorker;
Sneakers / Adidasi: Graceland via Deichmann.

I always go back to Ikea with great pleasure, Ikea makes sure I don't lose any weight every time I visit (who doesn't love the hot dogs with that fluffy bread ♥) and I also love to go into those rooms that the designers put together, we plan in the near feature to start working on our house  and we are looking for ideas. It's a loooog project, we need a lot of money, but we are taking it...slowly :D I wore a super casual and comfortable outfit because I knew we are going to have to walk a lot. A boyfriend blazer, boyfriend jeans, one of my favourite T-shirts and my new pair of sneakers that I absolutely love and I can't stop wearing them :)) A natural makeup and I am ready to go haha! 

In Ikea revin de fiecare data cu mult drag, pe langa faptul ca are grija sa nu slabesc (cine se poate abtine de la deliciosii hot dogs, chiflele alea atat de pufoase &hearts:) imi place la nebunie sa ma plimb prin camerele deja amenanjate, cum avem de gand sa ne apucam in viitorul apropiat sa ne terminam casuta suntem si in cautare de idei. E un proiect luuuung, necesita foarte multi bani, dar o sa o luam asa....incet :D Am purtat o tinuta super lejera si comfortabila pentru ca asa imi pleca sa ma imbrac cand stiu ca avem mult de umblat. Sacou boyfriend, blugi boyfriend, unul dintre tricourile mele preferate si noii mei adidasi de care nu pot sa ma mai despart :)) Un machiaj cat mai natural si sunt gata de umblat ore si ore in sire haha!

Have a lovely day, many kisses :**

Va doresc o zi minunatam v-am pupat :**

Hoodie season!



I do feel that I wrote this in a previous post, but I am going to mention it once again since it is kind of related to the subject of today's post :)) A big part of my adolescence I hated wearing hats, I do still have a problem with them (I get all kind of itches), bur I do like wearing them a lot more now. When the cold season was in full force I always had the same conversation with my parents when I wanted to go outside.
My parents: Don't forget to wear a hat because it is windy/raining/snowing outside.
Me: Don't worry I will put on my hood!
(does this conversation sound familiar to you?)

Presimt ca am mai scris asta, dar am sa mai mentionez o data ca are legatura cu subiectul de astazi :)) O mare parte de adolescentei mele am dispretuit caciulile, bine si acum am o problema cu ele (ma apuca toate mancarimile cand le port) desi imi plac mult mai mult decat atunci, dar inca mai avem neintelegeri. Cand venea sezonul rece cam asta era discutia pe care o aveam cu ai mei cand ieseam din casa.
Ai mei parinti: - Nu uita sa iti iei si o caciula ca bate vantul/ploua/ninge.
Eu: Nu-mi iau ca-mi pun gluga!
(va suna cunoscut? :D)'

The hood is good in almost all situations, except if it's raining cats and dogs, but sometimes not even an umbrella can handle that kind of rain, the hood keeps your head nice and warm. For example if it's one thing that annoys me the most now that I have grown is my head freezing when it is cold outside. If i the fall time I am not wearing a hat because it is not that cold outside, if it's really windy I am definitely wearing a hoodie , they are super comfortable, the keep me warm and I find them to be very stylish if you are not afraid to wear them in different combinations :D

Gluga-i buna la aproape orice, mai putin la ploile torentiale ca acolo s-ar putea ca nici umbrela sa nu iti mai fie de ajutor, dar iti tine atat capul cat si urechile la caldurica. Intre timp am mai imbatranit si daca e ceva ce ma enerveaza mai mult atunci cand e frig e sa-mi "inghete" capul. Si daca toamna nu port caciula atunci cu singuranta port un hanorac cu gluga, sunt confortabile, calduroase si nu se mai adreseaza neaparat doar persoanelor cu un stil vestimentar sportiv, mie una mi se par super stylish daca nu iti e frica sa ai un stil vestimetar mai diferit :D

For example I see them worn in a lot of combinations, with sneakers or with a pair of stilettos if you are feeling daring. Right now as I was writing this post I got an awesome idea that I hope to be able to show it to you soon, but until then let me show you some cute hoodies that I like, are surprised by the neon hoodie, are you?

Spre exemplu eu le vad purtate intr-o gramada de combinatii, atat cu tenesi cat si cu o pereche de pantofi cu toc daca sunteti mai indraznete. Ba chiar mi-a venit o idee acum cand scriam articolul acesta pe care sper sa o pun in practica cat mai curand (asta ca sa va si arat despre ce vorbesc), pana atunci insa va las cu cateva hanorace frumoase pe care le-am gasit, nu cred ca va surprinde hanoracul neon, nu-i asa? Haha :))

 Here - Here - Here

Here - Here - Here

You can find a great selection of cool hoodies on Tidebuy of If you want to find the perfect hoodie for you then check out the site: who knows what you'll find :)

Daca vreti sa gasiti hanoracul perfect pentru voi va invit sa vizitati site-ul: cine stie ce minunatie gasiti acolo :)

Do you like hoodies? Do you wear them?

Va plac hanoracele? Le purtati?

Have a great day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Fashion Tuesday: Reminders of a summer!



I don't know if I am the only one that develops obsessions quite frequently, but I recently managed to add a new one on my list: long hair, really loooong hair. I used to have pretty long hair, but I decided to cut it last year, I didn't cry, I didn't miss it until recently when I had tears in my eyes as I was talking about it. I can't grow it that fast in a shot period of time, but I can enjoy some good quality extensions (I will review them soon, I am not that good at putting them in at the moment and I've also only wore them once) :) So if you are wondering where this beautiful fishtail braid suddenly appeared, the answer is hair extensions, I shall call myself Rapunzel from now on (the brown hair version) haha :))

Nu stiu daca sunt singura care dezvolta obsesii atat de des, dar am reusit de curand sa mai adaug pe lista inca una: parul lung, parul fooooarte lung. La mine fuse si se duse undeva prin vara anului trecut, nu l-am plans, nu mi-a fost dor de el, pana recent cand mai ca imi dadeau lacrimile cand vorbeam despre acest subiect. De lungit natural intr-un timp atat de scurt n-am cum sa-l lungesc, asa ca momentan ma multumesc cu extensii (despre care o sa va vorbesc in curand, inca nu ma decurc prea bine cu ele si este si prima data cand le port) :) Deci daca va intrebati de unde a aparut codita asta atat de frumos impletita, extensiile de par sunt raspunsul, de astazi o sa ma numesc Rapunzel (varianta satena) haha :)))

Dress / Rochie: Tidebuy dress (find it here) / Rochie Tidebuy (o gasiti aici)
Necklace / Colier: Meli Melo;
Shoes / Pantofi: Deichamann.

Does this outfit remind you of the beautiful and hot summer days? The weather is still beautiful, but definitely not as hot, I really felt that when we took these photos, I was running gracious as a gazelle to the area where the sun was and it was hard to get back into the shade. You already know much I love neon colors, this time I chose a beautiful tulip dress in an electrifying color, I took a risk when I ordered it because I had no idea if this color is going to suit me and this type of dress is something I don't usually wear, but it feels great to sometimes leave your comfort zone you discover new things. I had to alter it a little bit so I sew in the two pieces in the front that were separated, because I wasn't able to wear like that and now it is perfect. The materiel feels really nice, it's not plastic like or shiny...this dress is a beauty ♥

 Va aduc aminte de zilele frumose si calduroase de vara nu-i asa? Zile frumoase inca mai avem, calduroase mai putin si-am simtit asta cat de poate de bine la sedinta aceasta foto, fugeam catre locurile cu soare precum o gratioasa gazela si cu greu ma mai miscai de acolo. Ca-mi plac culorile neon nu mai e secret pentru nimeni, de data aceasta am imbracat o superba rochie lalea intr-o culoare electrizanta, am riscat putin cand am comandat-o pentru ca habar n-aveam daca o sa mi se potriveasca culoarea, iar modelul e total diferit fata de ce port eu in general, dar din cand in cand sunt binevenitr si mici schimbari, mai iesim si noi din zona de confort si in felul acesta descoperim ce ne mai place. A trebuit sa ii fac o mica modificare in fata, cele doua parti nu erau unite si era imposibil sa merg cu ea asa, acum e perfecta. Materialul e calitativ, nu-i plasticos si nici lucios, ce mai...e o frumusete ♥

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***