It's a really neon situation this fall :D Autumn beautiful autumn! This is the season where you can't wait to get home, make a hot tea and get under the blanket and never leave the bed! That's what I am doing now, except I'm kind of forced to do it because I'm sick, but I'll get well soon :D Yellow to me is a fall color, it shouldn't be really neon, but what can I do if I love these bold beautiful colors? :)
Este intr-adevar o situatie neon, in plina toamna chiar :D Toamna frumoasa toamna! Toamna e anotimpul in care de-abia astepti sa ajungi acasa, sa iti faci un ceai cald, sa te bagi sub paturica si sa nu mai iesi de acolo! Exact cam ceea ce fac eu acum, numai ca nu o fac de buna voie ci pentru ca sunt racita, dar imi revin, imi revin :D Galbenul este una dintre culorile acestui frumos anotimp, bine n-ar trebui sa fie el neon , dar ce sa-i fac eu daca nu pot renunta sa port aceste culori atat de puternice? :)
Blazer: Sheinside;
Bluza imitatie piele: Front Row Shop;
Fusta: MCM;
Clutch: Front Row Shop;
Ghete: H&M.
We've talked recently about blazers, I told you that my favourite blazers were the boyfriend ones, I like to wear them with pretty much everything, I find them to be extra comfy and perfect for the cold mornings or evenings :) I had a hard time deciding what outfit should I pick for my neon boyfriend blazer (it won't be hard to spot me in the crowd when I am wearing it :D) and that's because I had outfits and mind and I liked them all, I liked them that much that I couldn't decide which one to show you. I chose black skirt with gold details (my favourite skirt), I added a faux leather shirt, my favourite boots at the moment and an oversized clutch and this for me is a perfect fall outfit ♥
Despre blazere v-am mai povestit, v-am spus ca preferatele mele sunt cele boyfriend, imi place sa le port in toate combinatiile posibile, mi se par extrem de confortabile si perfecte atat pentru diminetile cat si serile racoroase :) Mi-a fost greu sa ma decid in ce combinatie vreau sa port blazerul boyfriend galben neon (n-ai cum sa ma ratezi in multime cand il port haha :D), asta pentru ca imi veneau in minte zeci de combinatii si toate imi placeau extrem de mult incat nu puteam alege. Asa ca dupa ce m-am gandit si m-am ragandit si am mai facut asta de cateva ori, am ales tinta ochii mei bineinteles :D Fusta neagra cu detalii aurii (preferata mea) combinata cu o bluza din piele, noile mele ghete de la H&M (cat pot sa le iubesc, le-as purta in fiecare zi) si plicul overised alcatuiesc pentru mine o tinuta perfecta pentru toamna ♥
Have a lovely day, many kisses :***
Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***