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Fashion Tuesday: It's a neon situation!


It's a really neon situation this fall :D Autumn beautiful autumn! This is the season where you can't wait to get home, make a hot tea and get under the blanket and never leave the bed! That's what I am doing now, except I'm kind of forced to do it because I'm sick, but I'll get well soon :D Yellow to me is a fall color, it shouldn't be really neon, but what can I do if I love these bold beautiful colors? :)

Este intr-adevar o situatie neon, in plina toamna chiar :D Toamna frumoasa toamna! Toamna e anotimpul in care de-abia astepti sa ajungi acasa, sa iti faci un ceai cald, sa te bagi sub paturica si sa nu mai iesi de acolo! Exact cam ceea ce fac eu acum, numai ca nu o fac de buna voie ci pentru ca sunt racita, dar imi revin, imi revin :D Galbenul este una dintre culorile acestui frumos anotimp, bine n-ar trebui sa fie el neon , dar ce sa-i fac eu daca nu pot renunta sa port aceste culori atat de puternice? :)

Blazer: Sheinside;
Bluza imitatie piele: Front Row Shop;
Fusta: MCM;
Clutch: Front Row Shop;
Ghete: H&M.

We've talked recently about blazers, I told you that my favourite blazers were the boyfriend ones, I like to wear them with pretty much everything, I find them to be extra comfy and perfect for the cold mornings or evenings :) I had a hard time deciding what outfit should I pick for my neon boyfriend blazer (it won't be hard to spot me in the crowd when I am wearing it :D) and that's because I had outfits and mind and I liked them all, I liked them that much that I couldn't decide which one to show you. I chose black skirt with gold details (my favourite skirt), I added a faux leather shirt, my favourite boots at the moment and an oversized clutch and this for me is a perfect fall outfit ♥

Despre blazere v-am mai povestit, v-am spus ca preferatele mele sunt cele boyfriend, imi place sa le port in toate combinatiile posibile, mi se par extrem de confortabile si perfecte atat pentru diminetile cat si serile racoroase :) Mi-a fost greu sa ma decid in ce combinatie vreau sa port blazerul boyfriend galben neon (n-ai cum sa ma ratezi in multime cand il port haha :D), asta pentru ca imi veneau in minte zeci de combinatii si toate imi placeau extrem de mult incat nu puteam alege. Asa ca dupa ce m-am gandit si m-am ragandit si am mai facut asta de cateva ori, am ales tinta ochii mei bineinteles :D Fusta neagra cu detalii aurii (preferata mea) combinata cu o bluza din piele, noile mele ghete de la H&M (cat pot sa le iubesc, le-as purta in fiecare zi) si plicul overised alcatuiesc pentru mine o tinuta perfecta pentru toamna ♥

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Fashion Friday: Hello Autumn!



I've always loved to make different combinations with the clothes I have, I like to reinvent the piece I am wearing every single time, or the pieces, like in today's case the white ripped boyfriend jeans that you already seen this week. I wanted to create a fall look, for a hotter fall days and I think I managed to do that. What do you think, did I?

Intotdeauna mi-a placut sa fac diferite combinatii cu hainele pe care deja le am, vreau ca de fiecare data sa reinventez piesa pe care o port sau depinde, piesele, in cazul de astazi vorbim despre o singura piesa si anume blugii boyfriend albi cu rupturi pe care i-ati vazut si in postarea trecuta. Am vrut o tinuta de toamana calduroasa, m-am folosit de culori specifice acestui anotimp si zic eu ca am obtinut rezultatul dorit. Voi ce parere aveti, am reusit? :)

 T-shirt / Tricou: Bershka via Kurtmann (din pacate nu mai este pe stoc, dar sunt alte modele la reduceri);
Boyfriend Jeans / Blugi: Pull&Bear via Kurtmann;
Bag / Geanta: No Name;
Necklace / Colier: Meli Melo;
Boots / Botine: Tally Weijl;

You have already seen the boots, sweater, bag and jeans in previous posts, this is the first time I am wearing them. The T-shirt is a new purchase, the color is the first thing that I noticed and liked about it, it's one of my favourite colors and I think it goes really well with my skin tone. I was lucky to find it on sale, the fact that it is a long T-shirt give you the option to wear it in more ways, tucked in your pants like I chose to wear it, or with leggings like a dress (it depends on your height though). The word necklaces are my favourite necklaces to wear and the one that I am wearing today is from the new Meli Melo Collection for fall and I wear it with great joy because I like it and I find it to be very appropriate for the lovely season we're at right now.

Botinele, puloverul geanta si blugii le stiti deja din postari anterioare, nu sunt la prima aparitie pe blog. Tricoul insa este este o noua achizitie, culoarea este cea care m-a cucerit, este una dintre culorile mele preferate si mi se pare ca mi se potriveste foarte bine. Am avut noroc sa-l gasesc la reduceri, fiind un tricou lung, poate fi purtat atat bagat in pantaloni asa cum am ales eu sa-l port sau purtat spre exemplu cu o pereche de colanti (ca o rochita, bine, depinde si de inaltimea voastra). Colierele cu mesaje sunt preferatele mele, acesta face parte din noua colectie Meli Melo de toamna si-l port cu mare drag pentru ca mi se pare foarte potrivit in special pentru acest anotimp.

Din pacate una dintre piesele comandate, o frumoasa pereche de pantaloni rosii (Bershka), nu mi s-au potrivit (port marimea 36 si mi-am comandat marimea 36) si m-am incapatanat sa ii duc la modificat, am adaugat un fermoar in laterala, dar pentru ca nu ii probasem inainte (nici nu aveam cum, imi erau mici in talie) am banuit doar ca vor arata bine cu modificare facuta, n-a fost sa fie, o data probati mi-am dat seama ca li se stricat toata forma si nu mai arata bine, asa ca nu ii voi putea purta. In schimb vi pot arata si va pot indruma catre blogul Alexandrei (click pe numele ei), care a facut o treaba grozava cu ei :D

(tinuta Alexandrei cu acesti pantaloni)

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Fashion 2sday: Masculine meets feminine!


Hello! ^_^

Today I don't really have my word with me that might be because it is almost midnight and my mind doesn't function as good as it does during the day, I'm thinking in slow motion haha :)) If yesterday I was telling you about pants and what types of pants I am planning to wear in the next period, in this transit period, from summer to fall boyfriend jeans are more than perfect, you're not cold, you're not hot and if they are ripped, then this is definitely the perfect combination for me.

Astazi n-am prea multe cuvinte la mine, probabil si din cauza faptului ca e aproape 12 noapte si la ora asta mintea mea nu mai functioneaza asa cum o face pe timp de zi, e mai inceata, gandesc in slow motion haha :)) Daca ieri va povesteam despre pantaloni si ce modele am de gand eu sa port in urmtoare perioada, in perioada asta de tranzit asa cum imi place mie sa o numesc, de la vara la toamna, blugii boyfriend sunt mai mult decat perfecti, nu iti e cald, dar nici nu iti este frig in ei si daca mai au si rupturi, pai atunci pentru mine asta e cu siguranta combinatia perfecta.

Earrings / Cercei: MOA;
Shirt / Camasa: No Name;
Boyfriend Jeans / Blugi: Pull & Bear via Kurtmann (masurile 36 si 38 inca disponibile)
Bag / Geanta: No Name;
Shoes / Pantofi: Milanoo. (available in bigger sizes / disponibili si-n marimi mai mari)

I stay away from white, I stay away from white because I am super clumsy, white + clumsy do not go together :)) Today I felt like wearing an outfit where I combine two different styles, the feminine meets the masculine and by masculine I am not referring to my white boyfriend jeans I am actually wearing my boyfriends shirt and I loved this shirt so much that I wore it with other outfits too haha :))) Of course I could've gone with a pair of sneakers, but I wanted something different so I wore a pair of brown and metallic gold stilettos with a medium heel so I can comfortably walk long distance, I still want to feel my feet at the end of the day :D Aren't they pretty cool?

Ma feresc de alb, ma feresc de alb pentru ca sunt mega neindemanatica si albul + neindemanarea nu fac casa buna :)) Astazi am avut chef de o tinuta in care am combinat doua stiluri, si anume cel feminin cu cel masculin si prin masculin nu ma refer la blugii boyfriend de asemenea inspiratie ci la faptul ca am luat la purtare camasa prietenului meu si mi-a placut atat de mult incat am mai purtat-o apoi si la alte tinute haha :)) Bineinteles ca puteam sa optez pentru o pereche de tenisi, dar am vrut ceva diferit asa ca am optat pentru o pereche de pantofi cu varful auriu metalic si bineinteles cu un toc mediu ca sa ma pot deplasa linstita si sa-mi mai simt picioarele cand ajung acasa :D Nu-in asa ca sunt superbi?

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Fashion Friday: Make the best out of everything!


Hey! :D

For me situations have always been either white (the good ones) or black (the unpleasant ones) and I think most of you see them that way too. I recently started seeing the unpleasant ones grey (even though I do like black a lot haha) because from every unpleasant situation or misfortune you learn something so that for me is the good part. And speaking of non colors and shades, today I am almost entirely grey because grey is one of my favourite colors (in all its shades), for the picture to be complete I added a pop of color that I recently started to like a lot, red :)

Intotdeauna am vazut situatiile in doua feluri: albe atunci cand a fost de bine si negre atunci cand a fost de rau si asa banuiesc ca le vad si marea majoritate dintre voi. Recent mi-am propus, desi imi place negrul haha, sa incerc sa vad situatiile si gri, pentru ca din orice situatie neplacuta sau intamplare nefericita ai ceva de invatat si atunci consider ca asta e partea buna. Si daca tot vorbim de nonculori si nuante, astazi sunt eu in mare parte gri, pentru ca griul este una dintre culorile mele preferate (in toate nuantele lui), pentru ca tabloul sa fie perfect am considerat ca-i nevoie si de-un stop de culoare si-am ales o culoare pe care recent am inceput sa o indragesc si anume rosu :)

Hat: Choies;
Sweater: No Name;
Jeans: Kiabi;
Shoes: Tidebuy shoes (find them here) ;
Bag: Zara.

How could an animal print lover not own a pair of animal print stilettos? How? That's not possible! A beautiful, super comfy (the low heel make them perfect for long walks), really well made pair of stilettos. And why not wear the shoes with an animal print sweater? :D There's a funny story behind my ripped jeans, at first they only had some small cuts, but one day I was in a hurry and I ripped the jeans in the knee with my big toe haha :D, I tried to sew them, but it didn't last that long and so I decided to wear them like this :)) I can't wait for the weather to cool off a little bit so I can wear my hat again, I missed it a lot!

Da, da, da, cum sa n-aiba o iubitoare de animal print o pereche de pantofi animal print? Cum? Nu-i posibil asa ceva! Frumosi, super comozi (tocul mic ii face perfecti pentru plimbari mai lungi) si foarte frumos lucrati. Si daca tot am o asemenea pereche de ce sa nu-i port eu cu un pulover cu acelasi print? Pantalonii au o poveste tare haioasa, la inceput au fost cu niste mici zgarieturi cusute si intr-o zi imbracandu-ma in viteza am reusit sa-i rup in genunchi (cu degetul mare de la picior haha :D), am incercat sa ii cos, dar n-au stat cusuti asa ca am hotarat sa ii port asa :)) De-abia astept sa se racoreasca afara sa-mi port mai des basca pentru ca tare dor imi mai era de ea!

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Fashion 2sday: It is not farewell yet!



I wanted to write about how cool this summer was and how much I am enjoying the chilly weather (it was pretty chilly last week) and what do you think? It's even hotter now that it was in July haha :D For example today (yesterday) I almost died in the sun, how is this possible? I don't know if I should be happy or not, I miss the cold rainy days, but why not take advantage of what we have now, I know I'll start complaining once it will get chilly, and it won't stop raining!

Si tocmai cand voiam sa scriu: pa bai vara, ai fost misto! Ce sa vezi? Ce sa vezi si sa nu crezi? Pai e mai cald acum decat a fost toata vara haha :D Spre exemplu azi (nr. ieri) era sa lesin, am zis ca nu-i adevarat, sa ma bucur, sa nu ma bucur, nici nu stiu, imi e dor de nori, de ploaie, de zile racoroase, dar e timp si pentru ele asa ca pana una alta hai sa ma profit nitel de vremea asta frumoasa ca tare o sa ma plang dupa ea, presimt!

Earrings / Cercei: MOA;
Top / Bluza: Front Row Shop;
Jeggings: No Name;
Bag / Geanta: No Name;
Sandals / Sandale: H&M.

I am usually not too fond of tops, even though I need them, usually it's the last clothing category I look at and I could say that I obsess about them as I do with skirts, pant, etc. So it rarely happens to me to fall in love with a top, that's what to me know, I feel in love with it, with its design and its material! I went for kind of a boho-chic look, the top helps, the bag also, I decided to wear a pair of jeggings (you can be boho-chic in the fall too) and my platform sandals :D

Acord o foarte mica importanta si atentie bluzelor, desi am nevoie de ele de obiecei este categoria la care uit de fiecare data ultima si n-as putea spune ca mi se intampla sa obsedez asupra lor asa cum patestec spre exemplu cu panatalonii, fustele, etc. Deci mi se intampla extrem de rar sa ma indragostesc atat de mult de-o bluza, pentru ca de bluza din tinuta de astazi asta mi s-a intamplat, m-am indragostit, de croiul ei, de model, de materialul ei, de ea! M-am indreptat intr-un fel tot inspre o tinuta boho-chic, bluza ajuta, gentuta si ea, dar am ales sa port o pereche de jeggings (si toamna putem sa fin boho-chic) si sandalele mele cu platforma :D

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***

Fashion Friday: Lady in Red!


Hola! ^_^

Well I really didn't expect this to happen, me wearing red and loving it :D I mean yeah I love my red lipsticks and I like to paint my nails red, but when it comes to wearing the color, oh well...I never felt it's a color that I'll like and look good one me. I knew what color the dress will be, heck I am the one who chose it and purchased it, but the shock when I saw it was big, there was a whole lot of red haha :)) Impressions after wearing it? I think I want more red in my wardrobe!

Ei hai ca la asta nu ma asteptam, eu sa port rosu si sa-mi placa :D Adica da, port ruj rosu si-mi place la nebunie sa-mi pictez unghiile in culoarea asta, dar cand vine vorba despre piese vestimentare rosii intotdeauna am simtit ca nu mi se potrivesc. Stiam ce culoare are rochia ca doar eu cu mouse-ul meu am adaugat-o in cosul de cumparaturi si am finalizat comanda, dar socul a fost mare cand am vazut-o in fata ochilor, o mare de rosu haha :)) Impresii dupa prima purtare? Cred ca de acum inainte n-am sa mai evit culoarea asta!

leather jacket and red dress

leather jacket and red dress

short red dress
Jacket / Geaca: Persunmall;
Dress / Rochie: Blackfive (available in other colors / disponibila in mai multe culori);
Earrings / Cercei: MOA;
Heels / Pantofi: Deichmann.

short red dress
 I felt a little bit too good and like a diva in this dress haha :)) Even though it is a pretty simple dress, I loved the design, I don't know if you remember, but I once mentioned that I really like off the shoulder dresses/backless dresses so this dress really fits my preferences. I decided to wear it in an edgier way so I've thrown on my leather jacket for somewhat though look. Of course it wouldn't be me if I wouldn't have any gold details, so I added my gold earrings and the jacket also has gold zippers. I welcome you red in my wardrobe!

M-am simtit nitel cam bine si nitel cam diva purtand rochia asta haha :)) Desi este o rochie destul de simpla, mi-a placut tare mult modelul, v-am spus cu ceva timp in urma ca atunci cand vine vorba despre rochii imi plac tare mult cele cu umerii goi/spatele gol, asa ca rochia asta se incadreaza foarte bine in cerintele mele. Am ales sa o port intr-o combinatie mai indrazneata, si-am aruncat pe mine o geaca de piele (astazi a fost racoare nu gluma) pentru un aer mai dur. Bineinteles ca nu eram eu fara detaliile aurii ce se regasesc in cercei si fermoarele de la geaca. Cu ocazia asta zic: bine ai venit rosule in graderoba mea :D

short red dress

short red dress

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***