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Merry Christmas!


I'm wishing you a happy and peaceful Christmas with your loved ones! 

Dragii mei va doresc sa aveti parte de Craciun fericit si linistit alaturi de cei dragi voua! Multa sanatate atat voua cat si familiei voastre! 

I will be gone for a few days, I have a lot of things to take care of, a lot of food to prepare and many dear to my heart people to visit :D But don't miss me too much, I'll be back haha asap:))

Pentru cateva zile voi intra si eu in vacanta, sunt multe pregatiri de facut, multe mese de pus si de strans, multi oameni dragi de vizitat :D Sa ne citim cu bine dupa scurta vacanta!

Happy Holidays!

Sarbatori Fericite!

Fashion 2sday: Paradox


Hello! :D

There are 5 degrees (Celsius) now outside and you can still see the snow in some places, I'm looking at these photos with envy because I want back the lovely weather we had just last week, it was that kind of fall weather where you could still enjoy a cup of coffee (to be more precise a Pumpkin Spiced Latte, not because it is THE latte of the moment, but just because I was curious about it, I think it is worth the hype now that I've tried it!) on a terrace, outside and not freeze to death like it is happening now :/ I still hope the weather will be kind with us, more so for the next photo shoots I am planning, I am definitely not ready for winter :/ 

La cele 5 grade care sunt acum afara si zapada care inca se mai afla pe ici si colo, ma uit cu jind la pozele de astazi cand puteam sa savurez fara sa inghet o cafea (a se traduce in Pumpkin Spide Latte, nu de fite, de curiozitate si culmea e foarte bun!) pe terasa, afara, si sa exclam: nu-mi vine sa cred ce toamna frumoasa si calduroasa avem! Inca mai sper la zile frumose, mai mult pentu viitoarele sedinte foto pentru ca inca nu sunt pregatita de iarna :/

Cardigan / Cardigan: MiniTake (you can find it HERE / il puteti gasi AICI)
Top / Bluza: MiniTake (you can find it HERE / il puteti gasi AICI)
Pants / Pantaloni: Stradivarius;
Boots / Bocanci: MOA;
Beanie / Caciula: C&A;
Bag / Geanta: JollyChic.

I am not broke yet and the necklace I am wearing it is not made out of gold, but I love wearing them together :) I am so happy that I now get to wear this beanie, it is my favourite beanie, I need more like it :D I can't even explain to you how comfortable I feel dressed in this outfit, t keeps me warm and it is fluffy, it is that kind of outfit you wear it on a lazy week-end day, where you want others to see that so you want to look put together, but with minimal effort :D If you don't own a long cardigan, then you need to get one asap, it is perfect for autumn, I barely wore something else after I got it, the weather forced unfortunately to change into a winter jacket :/ The shirt I find to be really interesting, short in the front, a little bit longer in the back, simple in the front and with a print on the back, I am talking about the tartan print which you know it was and still is in right now (if you want to get the shirt you must know that the sleeves are pretty short if you have long hands as I have, they're like three quarters haha :D)

Leftera inca nu-s si lantul de la gat nu-i de aur, dar ma distrez grozav purtandu-le impreuna, ambele imi plac tare mult :) De-abia asteptam sa vina vremea sa-mi port caciula preferata, mai am nevoie de cateva cu mesaje :D Nici nu pot sa explic cat de confortabil ma simt in tinuta aceasta, e calduroasa si pufoasa, mi se pare genul acela de tinuta pe care vrei sa o porti intr-o zi de week-end, in care ai chef de leneveala, dar nu vrei sa arati asta, vrei sa arati totusi ca esti pusa la punct fara prea mult efort :D Daca nu avet un astfel de cardigan lung, atunci va trebuie unul, e perfect pentru toamna, abia am mai iesit din el de cand a ajuns la mine, acum insa m-a fortat vremea :/ Bluza mi s-a parut tare interesanta, in fata putin mai scurta, in spate putin mai lunga si dupa cum se observa, o parte simpla una cu print, mai exact printul tartan care stiti foarte bine ca a fost si inca mai este in voga (de precizat: manecile sunt foarte scurte, daca aveti mainile lungi ca mine, o sa va vina trei sferturi haha :D)

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***



Hello! :D

I can't believe I didn't want to post these photos, not because of the outfit, obviously I love the outfit otherwise I wouldn't have worn it, but because I thought I wouldn't like how the photos turned out, I didn't have the best day that day and I thought I didn't do that good at posing, I have really HIGH expectations and being a perfectionist doesn't help either! How cute was I waiting for the tram? I'm kidding, no tram is going on that route for the moment, but I like the place :D

Nu-mi vine sa cred ca eram decisa sa nu pun pozele acestea pe blog, nu din cauza tinutei  care evident ca-mi place ca altfel nu o mai imbracam ci din cauza ca aveam o problema cu pozele, mi se parea ca n-am avut o zi buna atunci si ca rezultatul nu-i pe masura asteptarilor mele, asteptari care sunt MARI intotdeauna! Vedeti ce cuminitica asteptam eu tramvaiul? Glumesc evident, momentan pe acolo nu trece niciun tramvai, dar imi place locul :D

Jacket / Geaca: MiniTake (you can find it here / o puteti gasi aici)
Shirt / Bluza: Bershka via Kurtmann;
Pants / Pantaloni: Stradivarius via Kurtmann;
Bag / Geanta: Front Row Shop;
Shoes / Pantofi: Deichmann.

There's not much to say about this outfit, I am glad the weather is nice so that I can still wear all my autumn clothes, I am totally taking advantage of the beautiful weather :)) The jacket is new in my closet, if you think you've seen it somewhere then you are right, you've seen it at Zara, this I think is a really well made copy, the material is nice and the leather doesn't look cheap at all. The sleeves are a little bit too short, but that's because  have long hands, it is not that visible so it doesn't bother me that much, I always have problems with short sleeves :))

Nu sunt prea multe astazi de povestit despre tinuta, ma bucur ca vremea de afara ma lasa sa ma bucur in continuare de hainute cat de cat subtiri si profit la maxim de asta :)) Gecuta e o achizitie noua si a devenit rapid una dintre piesele pe care le indragesc foarte mult. Daca modelul va pare cunoscut este pentru ca este o copie Zara, foarte reusita insa, materialul este calitativ, pielea artificiala nu are aspect ieftin. Manecile imi sunt putin cam scurte, dar asta pentru ca am mainile putin mai lungi, insa nu-i ceva extrem de vizibil, asa mi se intampla cam la mai toate hainele :))

Have a lovely day, many kisses :***

Va doresc o zi minunata, v-am pupat :***